Today’s Scripture Reading Genesis 39:20-21
True Righteousness Brings No Regrets If I could learn just one thing from: Joseph Genesis 37-48
Limits to Righteousness? Does anything that could possibly happen to us give us the right to lose our righteousness? Is there ever an excuse for participating in wickedness? Are there any circumstances in which God will understand if we behave wickedly?
Joseph As An Example Of Righteousness As we contemplate questions of righteousness, let’s consider the life of Joseph. Perhaps we can find some answers to these questions as we consider his behavior in some truly challenging situations: As a victim of circumstances As a prisoner As a king
Temptations of a Victim Does being a victim relieve us of the responsibilities of righteousness? Are there extenuating circumstances that lead us to sin – even against our will?
Quotes From “Victims” "I just remember I was thinking... he's always disappointed in me and wanted to be who he is. I can't live my own life. So there's nobody, now there's nobody to be disappointed in me, try to make me lead... their life," he said. Jacob Brighton, 16 year old who killed both parents
Winkler admitted shooting her husband in the back as he lay in bed in their Selmer, Tenn., home. During her trial, she accused Matthew Winkler, 31, of verbally, mentally, physically and sexually abusing her during their 10-year marriage. Mary Winkler, who killed her husband
The incident is a bitter reminder of the fact that acute scarcity of fuel has forced the poor families to steal firewood at the cost of their lives. In any case, they are destined to die - if they do not cook food, they will starve; if they eat raw food, they are bound to be in the grip of health hazards and if they steal firewood to cook, they are sure to be killed. Story about flooding victims in India
Joseph – the Victim Hated for being loved Hated for being chosen by God Abused by his brothers Sold into slavery If Joseph went bad after all these things, could we blame him?
Joseph in Captivity Daily temptation from Potiphar’s wife. Trapped in the situation as a victim of circumstances. If Joseph had given in, could we blame him? Joseph chose righteous behavior, in spite of the circumstances.
The Lord Was With Joseph Genesis 39:20-21 ”But while Joseph was there in the prison, the LORD was with him; he showed him kindness and granted him favor in the eyes of the prison warden.” … and Joseph was with the Lord.
Temptations of a Prisoner Surrounded by miscreants. Prisons are not known for their godly atmosphere
Joseph in Prison Knows that he is innocent – yet does not succumb to bitterness or resentment. Did he ever feel abandoned by God in the more than two years he spent in prison? Yet he demonstrates his righteous behavior by: Serving the jailer well Serving his fellow prisoners Demonstrating his righteous behavior in all that he did.
Temptations of a King Why do so many people of power behave so badly?
Insights Into The Rich and Famous Life coach Devlyn Steel, creator of, also offered to help us learn from Lindsay's latest behavioral malfunction. She pointed out that such celebs suffer from "their inability to control their impulse behavior." Quote after Lindsay Lohan’s latest arrest for DUI and cocaine possession.
Joseph: From Prisoner to King Suddenly becomes second only to Pharaoh himself. Has unlimited power and prestige placed upon him. Absolute power corrupts – absolutely!
How Does Joseph Reign? Joseph demonstrates his righteousness in his treatment of his brothers: Could have retaliated for their hateful treatment Could have had them put to death Could have sent them away and refused to have anything to do with them.
Righteousness Brings No Regrets If we are truly righteous we will never have reason to regret our behavior: “Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. "Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened." 1 Peter 3:13-14
Is There Any Excuse For Wickedness? Circumstances do not forgive bad behavior. Righteousness is not subject to happenstance. Only the truly righteous can live without regrets.