Animation by Lewis Hawkes
The history of cartoon animation The oldest surviving film made by stop-motion was made by an Arthur Melbourne-cooper and the animation was called Matches: an appeal made in 1899 developed to advertise matchsticks. In 1908 a French artist called Emile Cohl started drawing cartoon strips and then created a film call Fantasmagorie which contained stick figures encountering lots of changing objects. This film was made by drawing each separate frame on paper and then taking pictures of each frame onto a negative film which gave the animation look like it was don't on a blackboard and it was one of the first films to me made by hand drawn animation. In 1927 one of the first traditional black and white animations with music was called Oswal the lucky rabbit
Example of black and white animation
Types of animations Stop start Is made by physically changing objects slightly and then photographing them and when put together it looks like it is moving one type of stop start animation is clay animation where clay figures are manipulate slightly and put together to make movement a well know example of this is Wallace and Gromit created by Nick park Traditional animation Is also known as hand drawn animation where each frame is hand drawn and then photographed using a camera but now but now most images are ever scanned onto a computer or drawn straight onto the computer.
Computer animation Computer animation is a wide range of techniques which is made digital on a computer to make an animation. 2D animation 2D animations are made digitally on a computer using programs like flash animation. An example of 2D animation is Pinocchio. 3D animation 3D animations is made on the compute but is given a skeletal structure so that the characters become 3D an example of this is Toy Story which was made in 1995.
Animated characters Wallace and Grommit Designed by Nick Park in 1983 and are made by using stop start animation as they are made from plasticine and are manipulated slightly and then photographed to make a film and they have been in films such as The wrong trousers, A close shave and the curse of the were-rabbit and a grand day out.
Film studios Dream work studios Dream works started up on December the and is based in America, California and uses manly 3D and 2D animation on computers and has created films such as kung fu Panda and how to train a dragon and Shrek.
Film studios Pixar is based in America, California and uses mainly CGI animation to make there films. Pixar started in 1979 as part of a computer graphics department in Lucasart but then was bought out by Steve jobs who was a co-founder of apple and the was bought out again in 2006 by the Walt Disney company. Some of Pixar's most famous films include Toy story in 1995, Finding Nemo in 2003 and cars in 2006