Workshop on ICT uses in Warfare and the Safeguarding of Peace Welcome, acknowledgements and Introductions Dr Jackie Phahlamohlaka IFIP TC9 RSA Representative CAM: Command, Control and Information Warfare, DPSS, CSIR
© CSIR Welcome Meet the Organizing Committee
© CSIR The ultimate goal of the workshop To keep the Science, Engineering and Technology researchers working closely with the military in areas of mutual interest and potential benefit. The establishment of a Working Group (WG) under TC9 of IFIP, and in particular an African chapter of that WG that could hold an annual or a bi-annual workshop of this kind The detailed background is in the proceedings
Slide 4 Acknowledgements The presence of the following people is gratefully acknowledged: Commander Thomas Burchert - Deputy Defence Attaché, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany Capt (N) Pierre MESNIER - Defence Attaché, Embassy of France in South Africa Mr Wilson Kajwengye Twinomugisha - Second Secretary, Uganda High Commission © CSIR
Acknowledgements Col Abrie J Coetzee – Acting Director, Directorate of Information Warfare, SANDF; Other members from the Directorate and Armscor Mrs Minah Sindane – Bloem - a life coach and a communications specialist. Professor Basie von Solms - Research Professor in the Academy for Information Technology, UJ. Immediate past President of IFIP. Slide 5© CSIR
Slide 6 Official Opening: Professor Basie von Solms Professor Basie von Solms Short Bio on the programme An international scholar and an expert on Information Security The Chairperson of the SA National Committee on IFIP Immediate past President of IFIP Call on Professor von Solms to officially open the workshop
© CSIR Key Note Speaker Col AJ Coetzee – Joey Jansen Van Vuuren to introduce
© CSIR Session Chairs Col AJ Coetzee Mrs Minah-Sindane Bloem
Enjoy the Workshop! Slide 9© CSIR