MU120 Digital Media Design & Development Design Principles See presentation available from Lectures page of module website Review Assignment
Assignment scenario Here be Dragons map
Assignment 1 Portfolio of 5 tasks Drawing Version 1 of the map Layout V2 of the map to illustrate Design principles Character animation Vector character who will “live” in your map Slideshow Demonstrate how a user can navigate from the map to a different place or within the map Here be Dragons Interactive multimedia map, structured movie
Lab Practical sheet is a START See Resources page for gallery of your line drawings Some really creative ideas In the choice of original iconic image The treatment Today’s prac gives links to a range of animation possibilities so it would be good to see several of these tried out before a final few are chosen
Quality issues Jpgs from Flash lose quality Remember to zoom when drawing to ensure HIGH QUALITY When finished File – Publish settings (.swf and.html) File - Publish Publish your line portrait in Flash and zoom to examine quality (Right mse – Zoom on any swf)
Reminders - Alignment in Flash View menu Rulers Grid Guides Snapping Remember to edit if necessary Arithmetic is handy!
Reminders -Selecting Take care when you have Snapping on as areas become as one Can be useful but not always Thin vertical bars were created later Problem to select the rightmost later What if the Stroke was a different colour? Box + 3 rectangles touching are treated as one object
Lasso helps with moving items Edit – Copy Edit – Paste or Paste in Place Remember that the Stroke is a different ‘object’ Use the Lasso tool
Portfolio 1 Drawing Choose strong images Use the Alignment Where is the eye led?
Taking photos What is the story that you want to tell?
Different viewpoints - context
Perspective to add drama
Some different treatments
Design principles for screen layout See Flash presentation (wk 3) Alignment Proximity Contrast Repetition If you have trouble remembering these, try rearranging the initial letters and using the mnemonic!
Explore the more complex… If you would like a challenge… rotating 3D cube in Actionscript 3 d/simple3d/index.html d/simple3d/index.html
Any Questions?