Design Project 10% from Coursework Marks
Group Each group should consist of not more than 5 person per group.
Project Duration 3 weeks for report preparation Presentation-powerpoint /video presentation at week 15
Report The report should be not more than 15 pages. The dimension of the project report should be in A4 size. The project report should be bound using a flexible cover and thick art paper. The cover should be printed in bold letters and the text style for printing should be identical.
Text Format The impression on the typed copies should be black in colour. One and a half spacing between lines should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed using the Font style ‘ARIAL’ and Font size 12. New sections shall commence on new pages.
Drawings The drawings shall be in CAD format and printed. Where appropriate, the drawing scale must be shown. The drawing shall also include a graphic scale to facilitate scaling when a sheet is reproduced at a different size to the original.
Report Organization In order to complete your report, you will be given a template that you must use. This template contains the following sections
PAGESECTIONDESCRIPTION Title PageInclude the title of the report, authors, the class, and date of submission. iiAcknowledgement (Optional) Use this section to thank those who provided any technical assistance. Make sure you are careful to include all who provided you with help. iiiTable of ContentInclude the name of each section/subsection and the page number. ivList of TablesThe list should use exactly the same captions as they appear above the tables in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. vList of FiguresThe list should use exactly the same captions as they appear below the figures in the text. One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. viList of Symbols, Abbreviations and Nomenclature One and a half spacing should be adopted for typing the matter under this head. Standard symbols, abbreviations etc. should be used.
1Executive Summary Summarize what was asked for, what you accomplished and how it was accomplished. Include your main results and conclusions. Limit it to one page (one and half-spacing). 2Introduction & Problem Statement Describe the project and what it actually involved (the scope). The problem definition statement should be clearly presented. Also indicate what is included in this report; i.e. introduce the elements covered by the report. You should also state the significance of your work. Variabl e Design ObjectivesPresent and describe the specific design objectives associated with the project. There should be an obvious and logical relationship between the objectives stated and the overall problem statement.
Variabl e Design DescriptionA comprehensive description of each element or aspect of the design, providing a sense of how it functions shall be laid-out. This should include: 1.the criteria or special considerations that govern the design, 2.the selected design and design rationale, 3.the design specifications, and 4.the cost estimation Final design details should be presented in a manner that readily presents the design data. Drawings, tables and graphic information should be included when appropriate. Variabl e ConclusionProvide the general overview of the work and summarize the significant contribution. Variabl e ReferencesReferences should be included. Each reference must contain the authors, title, publisher, and publication date. Example: Kavanagh,B.(2009) Surveying Principles and Application, 8 th Ed., Pearson Education,Inc, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Variabl e AppendicesThis is the repository for all data or information which is useful but would otherwise interrrupt the flow of the report if it is included in its body. Examples of items belonging in the appendix are: extensive printout, catalog information, engineering calculations, and drawings. Reference must be made in the report to all material which are in the appendices. If it is not referenced or discussed, it should not be there. * Appendices should be numbered using Arabic numerals, e.g. Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc.
Project Assessment Project Presentation- 30% Peer Assessment - 20% Project Report - 50% Total = 100% Count as 10% of your course works
Project problem Diversified cropping of the modern farming, in which rice and other crops are planted in the same field, has recently been given priority in the Malaysian agricultural planning. The main characteristies of upland farming is that there is no standing water or waterlogging throughout the growing season. Water is used only to moisten the field, to ensure good growth of roots and of aerobic soil microorganisms.
What to do?? Each group choose 1 types of upland crops. Type of crops: 1.Paddy 2.Vegetables 3.Soybeans 4.Maize/Corn 5.Cassava 6.Potato
Data/Information Hydrological data gathering 1.Rainfall intensity 2.Catchment characteristics 3.Soil types 4.Hydrological soil group 5.Hydrolics data: water tables (depth), discharge, channel manning coefficient
Data/Information Designed a farm pond that can cater different upland crops. Especially for dry season Land use: farm for dry crops/wet crops Return period: 10 years minor and 50 years major Catchment area: 100 ha Crop water requirement – refer to FAO tm tm
Due date: All report should be submitted not later than noon 14 April Presentation will be on 13 April 2010 afternoon.