Examples A: Derivatives Involving Algebraic Functions
The derivative of composite function for the case f(x) = g n (x) Let: f(x) = g n (x) Then: f ' (x) = ng n-1 (x). g ' (x) Example: Let f(x) = (3x 8 - 5x + 3 ) 20 Then f(x) = 20 (3x 8 - 5x + 3 ) 19 (24x 7 - 5)
Examples (1)
Example (2)
Examples B: Derivatives Involving Trigonometric Functions
Basic Formulas
General Formulas (Chain Rule ) Let u=u(x)
Examples (1)
Examples (2)
Examples (3)
Examples (4)
Examples (6)
Examples (7)