Geothermal heating : the unsung diva of abyssal dynamics Julien Emile-Geay Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, USA Gurvan Madec LODYC, Paris, France
Solid Earth cooling in the abyss Solid Earth cooling in the abyss
The spatial structure
Introduction “Q geo ~ 100 mW.m -2 / Solar is ~100 W.m -2 ” Why is geothermal heating generally neglected in dynamical oceanography ? (except by Scott, Adcroft and Marotzke, JGR, 2001) AABW
Outline 1.Analytical balance 2.Density-binning 3.Numerical approach Geothermal Heating is a Driving force of the MOC
Heat Equation 2 ways of comparing : 1.Plot downward heat flux 2.“Equivalent K z ” Bryan, 1987 : MOC is controlled by the heat supplied to the abyss How big is geothermal heating in the heat budget ? DiffusionGeothermal Heatflow Measured K z : ~0.1 cm 2.s -1 Implied K z : ~1 cm 2.s -1 (advection-diffusion balance) Munk, 1966
Geothermal Heating vs Diapycnal Mixing (2) (z=-3500m)
A simple scaling law
Results BasinAtlanticIndianPacificGlobal Area (10 14 m 2 ) T ( C) Scaling(Sv) Geothermal circulation is commensurable to the Stommel-Arons circulation
Density-binning the abyssal ocean (Steady-state) Transformation equation :Formation equation : Geothermal Circulation
Results : A Q F Transformation of ~6.5 Sv Centered on = Transformation of ~6 Sv Shifted towards = Uniform Heatflow Realistic Heatflow
A numerical approach OPA model v8.1 (Madec et al, 1998): Primitive equation model, non-linear equation of state Horizontal physics : Isopycnal mixing with Gent & McWilliams Conservation of haline content (Roullet and Madec 2000) ORCA2 configuration x* y=2 * [0.5(Tropics) ; 2] - 31 vertical levels ( 15 in upper 200m) Coupled to LIM (LLN sea-ice model) Equilibrium runs from Levitus (1998) forced by climatological fluxes Geothermal Heat flux passed like a surface flux
Control runs K z =0.1cm 2.s -1 Cold bottom water K z =0.1 K z =1 Hadley center
Effect of a uniform heatflow(CBW)
Effect of a uniform heatflow (STD) Transformation (Sv)
Effect of vertical physics
Conclusions Q geo ~ K z = 1.2 cm 2.s -1 (at 3500m) Three independent approaches predict a circulation of 5-6 Sv, inversely proportional to deep temperature gradients (modulated by mixing) Changes the thermal structure to first order (cf Scott et al.), in particular the meridional temperature gradient Geothermal Heating is a major AABW consumer Major forcing of the abyssal circulation
Summary (continued) Details of the spatial structure are secondary : Circulation is weakened by ~ 20% (STD) Warming enhanced in the NADW depth range weakened on abyssal plains (by ~10-20%)
Conclusion “Viewed as a heat engine, the ocean circulation is extraordinarily inefficient. Viewed as a mechanically-driven system, it is a remarkably effective transporter of the energy” Walter Munk and Carl Wunsch, 1998 Geothermal Heating is a major actor of abyssal dynamics Influences mostly PE, not KE Provides 1/3 of APE for deep mixing May help resolve the “diffusivity dilemna” Does it have a role in climate change ? (Little Ice Age ? Glacial THC ?)
Geothermal Heating vs Diapycnal mixing (1) Downward Heat Flux =
What happens to the Sverdrup balance ? If, then : (Sverdrup balance) Now, then : Integrating : (Joyce et al. [1986])
Life cycle of AABW Formation Transformation Consumption Deep convection, cabelling Entrainment, Downhill mixing, Diapycnal mixing Upwelling (NADW) Getohermal Heating
Density-binning the abyssal ocean (Steady-state) Transformation equation :
Effect of a spatially variable heatflow
Impact on the circulation
Impact on the thermal structure
Three views of the problem 1.Geothermal Heating as a source of mixing Gordon and Gerard (1970) Huang (1999) 2.Localized hydrothermal venting Stommel (1983) Helfrich and Speer (1995) 3.The new wave Adcroft et al (2001), Scott et al (2001) This study
Three sets of experiments Set Experiments Q geo (mW.m -2 ) K z (cm 2.s -1 ) CBW CBWCBW_Q_uni STD STDSTD_Q_uniSTD_Q_var086.4 Q geo (x,y) MIX MIXMIX_Q_var0 1 (Hadley)