*The blue slides are to help you organize your slide show. They will not show up in your presentation. *They are there to help you know what information is to be included in each section of your project. *You are welcome to add as many slides as you need to be creative and to completely cover your topic.
Grab your audience’s attention Stories Poems cartoons Jokes Humor Drama Do something creative to introduce your topic and grab your audience's attention.
Daunte Culpeper was adopted, he was born in a prison to a teenage mother who was serving time for a armed robbery. Faith Hill was also adopted.
WHO WHY WHERE WHAT WHEN HOW This section of your project will include general information about your topic and will probably answers these questions.
Why? - Most teenage girls put their baby up for adoption because their not ready for the responsibility of parenting. When? - Giving a child up for adoption is probably the hardest thing a person will have to do. And the decision to put a baby up for adoption is usually out of love for that child, and a deep desire he has a loving and a promising future. <3
Short term Long term Mental Physical Social Behavior Body Parts Body systems Employment Cost Relationships This section of your project will inform us about the various effects of your issue.
- Loss, rejection, guilt and grief. - Attention deficit disorders, eating disorder, alcohol abuse can be seen in some adoptees.
Facts figures graphs that don’t fit in other slides Remember to make statistics more relatable by breaking them down to smaller numbers and relating them to things that your audience will relate to.
- Out of all the children under age 18, there are about 2,001,000 adopted children each year. - There are more adopted girls than boys. - The top five countries that children are adopted from are : China, Russia, Guatemala, South Korea, & Kazakhstan. - 6 in 10 Americans have had personal experience with adoption. - 1 in 8 births in the United States, are to teenage girls. - It is estimated that approximately 1/3 of pregnant teens have abortions, 14% have miscarriages and 52% give birth.
How do we prevent this from happening? How do we help people who are suffering?
- Wait to have sex till you are married, and have enough responsibility to take care of another human being. <3
Topic Sentence: (Constructed Response) My opinion on _______ is… Or The solution to _______is…
- Adoption has a huge impact on teenagers lives. From 1952 to 1972, 8.7% of all the pre-material births were placed for adoption. - Adoption could help you a lot, or can really destroy & ruin your life. - Adoption can also have some strong effects on you and your baby. -The birth mother or parents could also have trouble and would need counseling. -Adoption is a real problem for teenagers to decide on. Teenagers should be using protection, such as condoms & birth control, which can effect from not having birth in the first place. -I think adoption is a kind way of opening your heart to someone that may not have had much of a chance to have a better life(:
- ‘Adoption is when a child grew in its mommy's heart instead of her tummy ’ <3 Consider adoption, rather than abortion.
Summarize your information. Make a point about your issue. Leave us with one main thing to think about. If there was one thing you want us to remember about your topic, what would it be?
Where did you get your information???? Websites Books Magazines CD’s (INFORMATION)
-www. adoption.state.gov -www. davethomasfoundation.org
Where did you get your music and images from???? Websites? (MEDIA) Clip Art?
(MEDIA) Products/Posters/Jump-for-Joy-Poster-jpg option-network-law-center.jpg