OWASP WebScarab Uncovering the hidden treasures
Overview WebScarab aims to facilitate the review of web applications Functional operations Security Operations It was written by a techie for personal use Not always intuitive Hidden keystrokes Lack of examples
Objectives Show participants how some of the less obvious features work Using the spider Request Transforms Using the Fuzzer Comparing Responses Searching WebScarab history
Objectives Show participants how some of the less obvious features work Exploring the Beanshell Writing Proxy Intercept scripts Writing Script Manager Scripts Writing other scripts
WebScarab Spider
Huh - Shared Cookies?
Request Transforms
Using the Fuzzer You can hand craft a request, one parameter at a time
Using the Fuzzer Or you can use an existing request as a template!
Fuzzer – Parameter fields Location = Where the parameter can be found Path, Fragment do not work Name = Obvious Type = Meaningless (I can’t remember why I added it!) Value = default value when not being fuzzed Priority = drives the permutations. Same priority = lockstep, different = cross product
Fuzzer – Fuzz sources From a file (1 per line) From a regex
Fuzzer – Reviewing results
Searching in TextAreas Press Ctrl-F in the TextArea to show the Search Bar Or click in the TextArea, then click Find
Searching in TextAreas Search string is actually a regex. WebScarab highlights any groups specified This means you need to escape regex special characters!
Comparing responses
You can also view the changes in a single window, rather than side by side Pressing Ctrl-L in the compare window. This is a toggle key.
Searching history
Search expression is a BeanShell snippet BeanShell is just interpreted Java, with some leniencies Two predefined variables, request and response If the expression returns true, the conversation is shown Exceptions are counted as “false” Very powerful, but not terribly friendly
Request and Response API String getMethod() void setMethod(String method) HttpUrl getURL() void setURL(HttpUrl url) void setURL(String url) throws MalformedURLException String getVersion() void setVersion(String version) String getVersion() void setVersion(String version) String getStatus() void getStatus(String status) String getMessage() void setMessage(String message) String getStatusLine()
Message API String[] getHeaderNames() String getHeader(String name) void setHeader(String name, String value) void addHeader(String name, String value) void deleteHeader(String name) NamedValue[] getHeaders() void setheaders(NamedValue[] headers) byte[] getContent() void setContent(byte[] content)
Search expression examples response.toString().indexOf("alert") > -1 new String(response.content).indexOf(“alert”) > -1 request.getHeader(“Content-Type”).startsWith(“application”) request.getMethod().equals(“POST”) new String(response.content).matches("(?s).*\tat.*") // stack traces request.getURL().toString().startsWith(" && response.getHeader("Set-Cookie").indexOf(“secure”) == -1"
Exploring the BeanShell
Proxy -> BeanShell Allows scripted modifications to proxied conversations Useful for things like Ajax apps, or thick clients (think timeouts!) Scripts must follow a very simple template: import … public Response fetchResponse(HTTPClient nextPlugin, Request request) throws IOException { response = nextPlugin.fetchResponse(request); return response; }
Proxy -> BeanShell Probably the most useful “general” example: import org.owasp.webscarab.model.Request; import org.owasp.webscarab.model.Response; import org.owasp.webscarab.httpclient.HTTPClient; import java.io.IOException; import org.owasp.webscarab.plugin.proxy.swing.ManualEditFrame; public Response fetchResponse(HTTPClient nextPlugin, Request request) throws IOException { ManualEditFrame mef = new ManualEditFrame(); if (false) request = mef.editRequest(request); response = nextPlugin.fetchResponse(request); if (false) response = mef.editResponse(request, response); return response; }
Proxy->BeanShell Other simple examples: request.deleteHeader("HeaderName"); response = fetchResponse(request); request.deleteHeader("HeaderName"); response = fetchResponse(request); response.addheader("X-MyMarker", "I deleted HeaderName"); request.setHeader(“Cookie”, “JSESSIONID=somevalue”);
Script Manager An alternative way of executing scripts Script structure is somewhat different See the explanation for details E.g. Intercept Request Called when a new request has been submitted by the browser use connection.getRequest() and connection.setRequest(request) to perform changes request = connection.getRequest(); request.setHeader(“Cookie”, “JSESSIONID=somevalue”); connection.setRequest(request);
Script Manager Big difference is that you can load multiple scripts per hook Can be enabled and disabled independently
Script Manager caveat Watch out for declaring objects with the same names in multiple scripts, though. If you use formal declarations, BeanShell will error out and tell you that the object already exists. Response response = connection.getResponse(); I hope to fix this at some stage.
BeanShell persistence It is possible to persist values across script invocations import org.owasp.webscarab.model.*; Request r = connection.getRequest(); Integer i = bsf.lookupBean("count"); if (i == null) i = new Integer(0); if (i.intValue() %2 == 0) { // do something } i = new Integer(i.intValue()++); bsf.registerBean("count", i); connection.setRequest(r);
Scripted plugin Intended to replace “cat request | nc target 80 | grep... “ Allows for multi-threaded execution of requests (4 threads hardcoded) Object-oriented processing of results getConversationCount() getConversationAt(int) getRequest(int) getRequest(ConversationID) getResponse(int) getResponse(ConversationID) getConversationProperty(int, String) getConversationProperty(ConversationID, String) getChildCount(String) // == an URL getChildAt(String, int) // == an URL getUrlProperty(String, String) fetchResponse(Request) hasAsyncCapacity() submitAsyncRequest(Request) hasAsyncResponse() getAsyncResponse() isAsyncBusy() addConversation(Response)
Scripted plugin Complex example