Dr. Eileen Flicker November 13, 2012
Methods & strategies for integrating technology in our classrooms Differentiated instruction Engage students Prepare students for 21 st Century Share resources & examples Internet safety
Apps Audacity Blogs Senteo clickers Edmodo ePals Flipped Classroom ibook Author iMovie Google Earth Google Lit Trips Lino Movie Maker Photo Story Poll Everywhere PowerPoint Prezi SKYPE Smart Notebook Survey Monkey Thinkfinity Web 2.0 Webquest Wikis Wordle 21 st Century
Not about the “bells & whistles” Using Technology = Old School Integrating Technology = 21 st Century Bullying Blog
Planning Collaboration Implementation Reflection
Direct instruction takes place at night Video lessons for homework Reinforcement & practice in school Support & guidance by teachers Individualized Learning for students Flipped Learning Network Kahn Academy TedEd
“Getting Smart with SMART” “Getting Smart with SMART” SMART Exchange Lesson Activity Toolkit Activity Builder
1. Model 2. Directions 3. Research 4. Storyboarding 5. Technology 5 th Grade Photo Story GuidelinesResearch Storyboard
Video Moviemaker or iMovie Skill reinforcement Video social script “How to…” video Audio Audacity.com or Garage Band Alternative to writing Reading running records Practice fluency Read to students
Skills-based games Google Lit Trips Wallwisher or Lino Wallwisher Glogster Virtual Manipulatives Penzu Wiki
SKYPE ePals Book Sharing Project Connect to experts in the district Virtual Field Trips
Tablets Cell phones Clickers BYOD – Bring Your Own Device Apps Notetaking Internet eReaders iBookAuthor Interactive responses
Facebook Twitter Edmodo My Big Campus
CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) Internet safety Appropriate Online behavior Cyberbulling Common Sense Media
Thinkfinity Internet4classrooms Thinkquest Teaching Channel Cathy Schrock’s Guide for Educators Discovery Education Federal Resources for Educational Excellence Curriculum 21
What technology tool are you eager to try with your students? TEzMzU1MjU2MQ