Language Variations and Dialect By: Hunter Anderson
Dialect A dialect is usually a variety in any given language. Usually affected by an area or region, or even a social class. Usually described or determined by grammar, vocabulary, and placement of words within a sentence. Even within English, there are different dialects, all of which are between the different states.
Variations Along with Dialect, language variation is often common in different areas, different countries, etc. Typically categorized by pronunciation, word placement, sound, accents, etc. Within many countries with a shared language there are many different variations, for example: American English, British English, Australian English, and so on.
Variation and Dialect in Translation In many languages, many words have different meanings and translation, and due to these translations, dialect can be greatly affected, for example, the English translation of the ad to the right. Much of this ad makes no logical sense, but in the original translation, the people reading it would understand it completely, and although English is an international language, many places still have trouble translating and understanding. Also, in many languages there aren’t certain English letters in the natives’ alphabet, for example the letter “H” doesn’t have a translation into the Russian alphabet, and in many countries, certain letters may be swapped out for others, thus making the different dialects and variations hard to understand.
Works Cited “No Electrical Healthy Of Flashlight” ad content/uploads/2011/04/no-electrical- healthy-of-flashlight.jpg content/uploads/2011/04/no-electrical- healthy-of-flashlight.jpg alt/Language_variation-sgl.pdf alt/Language_variation-sgl.pdf