Wellbeing People Empowering people to make positive choices around their own health and wellbeing
Engaged Prevention Brand Communicate Engage Empower Refer Intervention Outcome Support
What is the best thing you or your organisation is currently doing for your staff’s health and wellbeing? Current…
Weight Body Mass Index Body Fat Content Blood Pressure Heart Rate Health Kiosk
Boomerang Hydration Quota My Mood Referral App Data Capture Results Portal
Boomerang Life Balance
Branding and Referral Pathways Kiosk Top Screen Branding Bespoke Referral Pathways
KCC, what have we done?
KCC Health Screening Programme Increase Employee Engagement Improve understanding of individuals own heath Linking Support Services
Statistics Three Year Programme 42 Locations Covered 9,000 Health MOTs 1,538 Life Balance Split: 35% Males, 65% Females
If you could dare to dream, what would be the best thing you could do for the health and wellbeing of the staff within your organisation? Dream…
The Wellbeing Symposium
KCC, what have we done?
What is the biggest challenge you face when moving forward with health and wellbeing within your organisation? Challenges…
Wates – White Van Roadshow
Final thought…