Financial Management of Parliament Bill [B 74–2008] Briefing to Select Committee of Finance 22 October 2008
Definitions Objects of Act Transparency, accountability, sound management Consultative relationship with NT Oversight Norms and standards for provincial legislatures Interpretation and Objects
Joint committee Executive Authority Secretary to Parliament is Accounting Officer Accountable to Executive Authority Subject to oversight by joint committee General financial management functions Written performance agreement Acting accounting officer appointed by Executive Authority System of delegation Fiduciary duties Oversight, Executive Authority and Administration of Act
Planning and Budgeting Accounting Officer prepares: −Strategic plan −Annual performance plan −Annual budget Executive Authority tables for referral to joint committee Expenditure before annual budget is passed Unauthorised expenditure Virement – Executive Authority may make regulations Unspent funds
Cash management and investment In accordance with policy that Executive Authority must prescribe Accounting Officer must establish systems and procedures Bank accounts Restrictions on borrowing Requisitioning of funds
Financial management Asset and liability management Revenue management Debtor management – policy for write-off and interest Expenditure management – creditors −Method of payment −Within 30 days of receiving invoice −Accounts closed monthly and reconciled Regulations by Executive Authority for support to Members and political parties Transfers Executive directives with financial implications
Supply chain management Executive Authority prescribe policy – Accounting Officer implements Consideration of unsolicited offers only in terms of policy Tenders not recommended Prohibition on contracts Schedule 3 peremptory
Audit committee and internal audit Audit Committee appointed by Executive Authority Audit charter Accounting Officer must establish and internal audit unit which must report quarterly on its performance against the audit plan
Reporting and auditing Monthly, quarterly, and mid-year Annual report −Based on performance plan −Annual financial statements −Auditor-General’s report −Audit Committee’s report Tabled and referred to joint committee
Other Regulations and instructions Financial misconduct Offences Repeal of legislation Commencement – also transitional arrangements in Schedule 4
Applicability to provincial legislatures Clause 3 read with Schedule 1 Peremptory norms and standards Wording used is wide in respect of executive authority and accounting officer
Code of Ethics for Executive Authority Additional to Code of Conduct for Assembly and Permanent Council Members Does not apply to provincial legislatures