Federal Update Heather Pittman Contract & Grant Officer Jonathan Lew Contract & Grant Officer
Resumption Activities UCOP has compiled updates regarding the government shutdown & resumption.compiled NIH – NOT-OD : Resumption Activities – NOT-OD : Continuing Resolution thru 1/15/2014 – NOT-OD : Peer Review still scheduled for January Council NSF – Revised deadline datesdates Post-Award activities have resumed. Upcoming deadlines remain the same. QRAM
NIH: FORMS-C Hints & Tips FORMS-C has arrived. Current FOAs have been updated. New application packages are identified with a completion ID of FORMS-C. Individual Research Career Development Award Programs (Ks), Institutional Training and Career Development Programs (Ts and Ds) and Individual National Research Service Awards (Fs) applicants will be required to use FORMS-C packages for due dates on or after January 25, Refer to NOT-OD-074 to learn more about the FORMS-C transition. QRAM
NIH: FORMS-C Hints & Tips FORMS-C Application Guide has arrived: QRAM
NIH: FORMS-C Hints & Tips Be sure all parties use a compatible Adobe version while preparing an application package. – Users can identify and download Grants.gov compatible versions of Adobe Reader by visiting the Download Software page on the Grants.gov Web site.Download Software – Ensure Subaward materials follow compatibility requirements. (e.g., R&R Subaward Budget Forms) The Project Role title in the R&R budget form should match the role chosen in the Senior/Key Person Profile section. QRAM
NIH DHHS Salary Cap The DHHS salary cap applies to awards from all Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) operating divisions (NIH, HRSA, CDC, AHRQ, SAMSHA, etc.). For FY 2012 the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2012 (Public Law ) signed into law on December 23, 2011, restricts the amount of direct salary to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive Pay scale. The Executive Level II salary is $179,700. Refer to NOT-OD (FY 12) & NOT-OD (FY 13) QRAM
NIH GPS Changes NOT-OD The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announces the publication of the revised NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIHGPS, rev. 10/1/2013). This revision is applicable to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements with budget periods beginning on or after October 1, RPPR Allowable costs for consortium agreements with Federal organizations Commons ID QRAM
eRA Commons Proposal & Progress Report Preparation Be sure your PIs are properly affiliated with UCI prior to proposal submission. They may have existing accounts or require new accounts. Obtain this information so SPA can accurately assist in account set-up. New Delegation Tab added to Commons allows scientists to delegate administrative tasks: Status Progress Reporting Publications And More QRAM
eRA Commons User ID’s for Students eRA Commons now includes the following roles: – GRADUATE_STUDENT – PI – POSTDOC – PROJECT_PERSONNEL – SCIENTIST – TRAINEE – UNDERGRADUATE Effective October 18 th, progress reports (2590 and RPPR) require eRA Commons User ID’s for all students and fellows listed in the All personnel List in the 2590 or the Participant Section (D.1.) of the RPPR. If you have questions regarding appropriate roles, please contact your Federal Officer. For those students and other project personnel that require eRA Commons accounts, please send the request to Refer to: NOT-OD QRAM