Bruce King / High-Performance Green Building -- What’s the difference? High-Performance Green Building -- What’s the difference?
Bruce King / and for that matter if it ain’t broke, why fix it?... and for that matter if it ain’t broke, why fix it?
Bruce King / How shall we build? The good, the bad, and the ugly How shall we build? The good, the bad, and the ugly
Bruce King / Green Building in a strange mix of things Green Building in a strange mix of things... and some fresh new ideas and some fresh new ideas...
Bruce King / We love oil The United States comprises 5% of the total world population. We use 25% of the world’s energy resources. The United States comprises 5% of the total world population. We use 25% of the world’s energy resources.... and big cars... and coal... and big houses... and big houses
Bruce King / Problem? What problem? I think I see problems... I think I see problems... Green Building in the USA: We don’t see any need for change. Green Building in the USA: We don’t see any need for change.
Bruce King / Minimize the use of fossil fuel energy, and maximize solar & wind energy Recycle -- eliminate the concept of “waste” -- re-use what others throw away Provide a safe, healthy living environment... and we’re barely starting to get over it “Green building” -- first steps... We love oil...
Bruce King / High Performance Green Building in the USA the good... and the bad High Performance Green Building in the USA the good... and the bad
Bruce King / the good Green Building - the good passive solar heating and cooling rammed earth walls fly ash concrete active solar and wind electrical generation
Bruce King / the bad Green Building - the bad huge house impacts landscape material and labor from all over the world, imported with oil driveway and garages for nine cars huge use of water and materials