1 Establishing standardized National Disaster Loss Databases IAP Meeting September 2011
2 HYOGO FRAMEWORK FOR ACTION A2 Develop, update periodically and widely disseminate risk maps and related information to decision- makers, the general public and communities at risk Develop systems of indicators of disaster risk and vulnerability at national and sub-national scales Record, analyse, summarize and disseminate statistical information on disaster occurrence, impacts and losses, on a regular bases through international, regional, national and local mechanisms.
3 No systematic collection of disaster damage/loss data (in most countries)- What does it lead to? Loss of valuable information; Difficult to determine long-term impact on development; Difficult to understand risk change trends; Difficult to determine vulnerability of local structures, infrastructures, society; No way to learn from the past; Lack of critical information much needed for conducting hazard vulnerability risk assessment
4 What is DesInventar A data collection methodology A set of analysis methodologies A set of Software Tools DesInventar Usage Contexts As a Historical Disaster database As a Post-disaster damage & loss data collection tool
5 DesInventar Methodology: … essentially proposes the collection of homogeneous data about disasters of all scales. The information compiled and processed is entered in a scale of time and referenced to a relatively small geographic unit.
6 Why DesInventar Increases USABILITY due to disaggregation of information to local/municipality level DesInventar databases collect a large number of Loss Indicators (EMDAT only 3: deaths, affected, $), that can be augmented by countries. DesInventar allows collection of data of disasters at ALL scales;
7 Why DesInventar Allows HOMOGENEOUS data collected for all countries Uses STANDARDS to exchange information Has fully documented analytical methodologies It is the FIRST STEP towards a full Risk Assessment Ability to demonstrate usage in Probabilistic Risk Assessments (Hybrid Models)
8 Why DesInventar Provides Out of the box Analytical and Mapping functions; Reduces development cost (Free Open Source) Web enabled – Intranet or Internet settings Fully documented Easily customized to fit specific needs Interface is easily translated (now 10 languages, including Eastern languages and alphabets) Fully tested software (over 15 years of development)
9 Usage of Loss Database in Risk Assessments Provide historical vulnerability indexes Provide Empirical Loss Exceedance Curves (GAR) Historical data can help validating Risk Assessments Historical data can be use calibrating Risk Assessments Generate proxy indicators of Risk (for hard-to-model risks or when no data is available) Allow monitoring of DRR measures Provide a dynamic vision of historic risk evolution over time Provide evidence-based support to decision makers And many other…
10 What is the difference?
11 DesInventar globally
12 DesInventar in the region
13 Typical contents of a DesInventar Disaster database The actual screen for data capture. It can be customized by users. Standard Effects (killed, injured, affected, etc.) Extension (Sectorial detail information)
14 Reporting, Statistical Analysis and data exchange Inventories allow the production and exchange of tabular aggregated and detailed tabular data Aggregates by event, Iran. Other statistical measures such as Variance, Std Dev, correlation, etc. can also obtained from Inventories Detailed report exported to Excel, Iran database
15 Composition Analysis – what is causing what damage? Number of Deaths per disaster type Composition Analysis of disaster data in Tamil Nadu (India) Number of Houses destroyed per disaster type This type of analysis shows what types of disasters are affecting a region and compares the different types of events and specific types of effects (human life, housing, agriculture, etc.). Helps focusing the analysis
16 Temporal Analysis (Trends): distribution of losses over time Behaviour of disaster losses is key in understanding trends and essential for monitoring the effectiveness of DRR Number of Deaths excluding Tsunami, Tamil Nadu (India) Number of reports of floods and people killed by epidemics in Orissa, India 11 years, showing a high correlation between floods and epidemics. Ovals show non-related epidemic events. Seasonal distribution of floods in Mexico
17 PRODUCTS OF A NATIONAL DISASTER OBSERVATORY Spatial distribution of houses destroyed in Sri Lanka after Tsumani 2004 Spatial Analysis ( patterns): distribution of losses over space
18 PRODUCTS OF A NATIONAL DISASTER OBSERVATORY Spatial distribution of Landslides ( ) Spatial Analysis ( patterns): distribution of losses over space
19 Historical data used to validate Risk/Hazard maps Direct Mortality due to Cyclone/Winds in Orissa Number of Reports of Cyclone/Winds Houses Damaged or Destroyed due to Cyclone, Winds Comparison of Cyclone/wind reports, deaths, damages and Hazard Atlas - ORISSA
20 Direct Mortality due to Floods in Orissa Damaged and Destroyed houses due to Floods in Orissa Number of Flood Reports in Orissa Comparison of Flood reports, deaths, damages and Hazard Atlas - ORISSA Historical data used to validate Risk/Hazard maps
21 Composition of disasters
22 Temporal behaviour
23 Spatial distribution
24 Spatial distribution
25 Colombia Hybrid loss exceedance curve
26 DesInventar IMPLEMENTATION Process Identification of partners Finding an appropriate ‘home’ for the database Training workshops ( sensitization & Training of trainers) Historical Research phase (30 years data) Start of day by day collection Production of Analysis: –Preliminary –Extensive/Intensive –Risk-Poverty –Risk-Environment Continuous improvement and quality control Mainstreaming Analysis/Data into national DRR
27 Interested in implementing DesInventar in your country? UNISDR Asia Pacific Regional Office Attn. Abhilash Panda/Sujit Mohanty OR UNDP Regional Centre Bangkok Attn. Rajesh Sharma