Code Review and Evaluation
Code Review and Evaluation FAEIS Proposal Subobjective 5.1: Improve the FAEIS Applications. A contract was initiated with TeraTech to review the code for the FAEAIS applications and suggest improvements. This will enable us to ensure that FAEIS code is efficient, current, and based on effective programming techniques. It will also help us maintain longitudinal integrity of FAEIS; good code is much easier for others to maintain and less dependent on one programmer’s knowledge.
Code Review and Evaluation Project Outline Project initiated in June 2006 Attended TeraTech training, Oct Cold Fusion code sent to Teratech, Nov Preliminary report received from Teratech, Jan Implementation of recommendations, Feb Revised code provided to TeraTech, Mar Final report received, Mar. 2007
Code Review and Evaluation Initial Recommendations Consistency of documentation Replace deprecated tags Security upgrades Accessibility Performance improvements Consistent coding architecture
Code Review and Evaluation Documentation Example <!--- -- section 4 -- Student Survey Form Display Name:s4_display Description:display student survey forms, set survey status Date: Jan. 24, 2007 Program: FAEIS Data Entry Section:4 Type: My Surveys Users:Data Entry Called Data Input:N Process File:N Includes:none Functions:display survey forms, set survey status --->
Code Review and Evaluation Performance Example OLD CODE: select * from x_inst where k = #lookup_a.x_inst# REPLACEMENT CODE: select k, name, fice, type, instcode, f_faeis from x_inst where k = #lookup_a.x_inst#
Code Review and Evaluation Deprecated Tags Example OLD CODE: REPLACEMENT CODE:
Code Review and Evaluation Application Architecture FAEIS Data Entry FAEIS Report Builder
Code Review and Evaluation Application Architecture FAEIS Data Entry over 1000 users multiple security levels access point for BOHS & SIP sub-apps 48 sections 110 files
Code Review and Evaluation Application Architecture FAEIS Report Builder fewer users some restrictions to faculty data resource intensive complex code very flexible for users 11 sections 24 files extensive utilization of Oracle database
Code Review and Evaluation Excerpts from the Final Report “This code review is comprehensive in that it covers all aspects of the application.” “the code uses the recommended functionality of ColdFusion” “efficient coding schemes are in use.”