Melt Properties
Updates/questions? Labs: Field trip:18 th or 19 th ? Last lecture’s 3 remaining slides in lab Today’s topics: 1.Magma properties
Melt properties - Internal variables
Composition Majority of Earth’s minerals are …? Bill White’s Geochemistry book
Silicates jpg
Networks jpg
Bridging Oxygen e/VLObject jpg
NBO/T NBO/T change with melt composition….why? Mysen, 1983 RhyoliteBasalt
Structure in Melt Carmichael et al., 1974
Breaking the polymers Carmichael et al.,
Effect of volatiles
Polymerization and Viscosity What will move more easily: a)Shorter chain polymers? b)3D networks? What does that mean w.r.t. rock types?
Viscosity, composition, temperature Scarfe., 1986 Decreasing SiO 2
Viscosity and pressure Scarfe., 1986
Viscosity and H 2 O Scarfe., 1986
Lava types and viscosity USGS Ctein
Viscosity regimes Regimes related to temperature w.r.t. Tg T >> Tg Viscosity very low, follows power law: (T) = o (T-T c ) - ~2, T c = critical T (> Tg) T ~ Tg Intermediate viscosity, follows exponential: (T) = A e exp(B e /(TS conf )) Ae~0.003, S from experiments, B e from fit T << Tg: Very high viscosity: sample turned into glass (Bottinga et al., 1995)
Rheology and time Webb & Dingwell, 1995
Glass Transition