Chapter 4 Stack 8 Knowledge -gnosis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Thing -us Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Slight paralysis -paresis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Deficiency -penia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Vomiting -emesis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Formation -plasm Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Disease; Emotion -pathy Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Bursting forth -rrhage Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Softening -malacia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Tumor; Mass -oma Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Enlargement -megaly Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Tightening; Stricture; Narrowing -stenosis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Bursting forth -rrhagia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Pain -algia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Involuntary contraction -spasm Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Speech -phasia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Porous; Less dense -porosis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Drooping -ptosis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Meal -prandial Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Spitting -ptysis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Hernia; Cyst -cele Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Hardening -sclerosis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Development -trophy Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Resemblance to -oid Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Swelling -edema Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Produced by; Producing -genic Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Secretion -crine Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Formation -plasia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Inflammation -itis Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Flow; Discharge -rhea Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Digestion -pepsia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Swallowing -phagia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Cell -cyte Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Pain -dynia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Plate; Flat plane -plakia Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.
Chapter 4 Stack 8 Review Again Note: The Enter key and the Left Click on a mouse will also turn and forward flash cards.