FIRST SCHOOLS Developed in the land of Sumer. 4,000 years ago. Graduates of schools became Scribes. Scribe: – Professional Writers. – Kept records for kings and priests. – Began school at age 8. – Finished 10 years later.
GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING Sumer was located in region called Mesopotamia. Rich Soil One of the most prosperous areas of the ancient world.
MESOPOTAMIA: – Greek word= “Between the rivers”. Fertile Crescent: – Region in Southwest Asia that was the site of the world’s first civilization. – Rivers make the shape of a crescent around the city. – Great for farming
LIFE TIGRIS and EUPHRATES rivers main source. Rivers supplied: – Rich Soil – Fish – Clay (for building) – Reeds (build boats) DEATH Floods did not always happen the same time each year. Swept away people, animals, crops, and houses. Rebuild and pray next flood not be so destructive.
Checking for Understanding How did flooding rivers affect people who settled in Mesopotami a? Flooding made –Farming: which allowed for people to prosper and live in Mesopotamia. –Floods also sometimes swept away – People –Animals –Crops –And Homes. Flooding made –Farming: which allowed for people to prosper and live in Mesopotamia. –Floods also sometimes swept away – People –Animals –Crops –And Homes.
City-State: – A city that is also a separate, independent state. Shared: – Common Culture. – Language. Did not share: – Same Ruler Acted as independent states. Had own: – God/Goddess. – Government – Army – King
Checking for Understanding How were the cities of Sumer Governe d? Each City had its own –Governm ent –Laws Each City had its own –Governm ent –Laws
Public Squares – Marketplaces. Merchants Acrobats Beggars Scribes: – Wrote letters for those who could not read/write for a fee $$$. Houses: – Faced away from the streets. – Faced inner courtyards. – Hot nights, slept on top of houses. – Oil Lamps
ZIGGURAT: – Site of the temple to the main god or goddess of the city. Made of Terraces Up to 7 stories high. Top: Shrine Believed that gods descended to earth using the ziggurat as a stairway.
POLYTHEISM : – Belief in many gods. MYTHS: – Stories about gods that explain people’s beliefs. Gods would punish people who angered them. Serve the Gods well and you shall be rewarded. Would honor the gods in ceremonies.
Their Wealth became their downfall. City-states fought each other over land and use of the river water B.C. – Conquered by AKKAD. – King SARGON united the city-states and improved Government. Remained united for 100 years B.C. lost all power. 1700s B.C.: – Fell to Babylonia
Checking for Understanding What weakened the Cities of Sumer? Fights between city-states began over the use of –Land –Water –Which led to frequent battles that weakened Sumer’s rulers and armies. Fights between city-states began over the use of –Land –Water –Which led to frequent battles that weakened Sumer’s rulers and armies.