6Data structure design (データ構造の設計) Data structure is one of the most important aspects of a program: Program = Data Structure + Algorithm
In a Structure Chart there is no definition of data-items involved. For example, what do those arguments mean? (次の構造図で使われた 引数は、定義されていない)
In a Jackson Structure Diagram there is no definition of data-items involved. (次の Jackson Structure 図で使われたデータ項目は定 義されていない)
In a flowchart there is no definition of data-items. E.g., expenses-file.
Design of data structures include the following aspects: (データ構造の定義には、次のことを定 義すべきだ) Define types and variables. (型と変数の定義) Determine how the variables are used (e.g., are they global or local? do they hold internal or external data?) (変数の使い方を決まる) Data structures involved in design should be defined in the form of being easily transformed into corresponding data structures in programming languages. (設計書に使われたデータ項目は、 プログラミング言語で実装しやすい形で定義 することが必要である)
6.1 Defining types and variables First, we need to understand the following points about programs: Programs process directly variables denoting useful data. A variable has the features: It corresponds to a memory unit. It has a name. It has a value. Every variable must be declared with a type, indicating the range of the values the variable can take (e.g., x: T). A type is a set of values together with a set of operations: Type = set of values + set of operations where the set of operations can be a single operation or empty. (型は値の集合と操作の集合)
int = {…, -1, 0, 1, …} + {+, -, *, /, …} values operations real = {…, -1.5, -1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.5, …} + {+, -, *, /, …} values operations WeekDays = {MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY} + { } values operations Examples of types: (型の事例)
A notation for type definitions The design of data structures in the design phase should focus on the issues: The values of elementary data items. The member data items and their values of composite data items. The structure of organizing data items. By following this principle, a notation for defining types is introduced next. This notation is part of the Structured Object-Oriented Formal Language (SOFL), which can be used for both abstract and detailed design.
Basic types (built-in types) nat0: {0, 1, 2, …} nat: {1, 2, 3, …} int: {…, -1, 0, 1, …} real: {…, -1.5, -1.0, 0, 1.0, 1.5, …} string: {s | s is a sequence of characters} enumeration: {A1, A2, …, An} (e.g., {DOG, CAT, COW, HORSE}) subset of nat0: e.g., 1..8 (= {1, 2, …, 8}) (= {9, 10, …, 100}) and so on.
The form of defining a type A = Texp where Texp is a type expression. For example, Name = string declares that every name in type Name is a string of characters.
Composite type In general, a composite type A is defined as follows: A = composed of f1: Type-1 f2: Type-2 … fn: Type-n end where f1, f2, …, fn are called fields of type A.
Example Item = composed of name: Name price: real shop: Name date: Date end; /* Item is a composite type */ Date = composed of day: month: 1..12; year: nat0 end /* Date is another composite type */
Sequence types A sequence type is an abstract representation of the concrete data types available in programming languages, such as array, vector, linked list, and file. Two forms of sequence type definitions: (1)A = seq of Type-1 (2)A1 = seq[n] of Type-1 (1) states that A is a set of sequences, each consisting of a list of data items in type Type-1. (2) states that A1 is a set of sequences, each consisting of a list of at most n data items in Type-1. That is, every sequence in type A1 has at most n data items.
Examples Item-List = seq of Item; /* illustration: Item-List = { [ ], [a], [a1, a2], [b1, b2, b3], …, [c1, c2, …, cn] } /* Item = composed of name: Name price: real shop: Name date: Date end; /* Item is a composite type defined before*/
Class = seq[60] of Student; /* illustration: Class = { [ ], [s1], [s1, s2], …, [s1, s2, …, s60] } */ where Student is supposed to have been defined before.
Variable declarations The form of a variable declaration: a, b, c: Type-1; /*Which has no difference in semantics from the variable declaration: Type-1 a, b, c; */ or a: Type-1; b: Type-2; c: Type-3;
Examples of variable declarations (1)a: nat0; /* a = 0, a = 1, a = 2, or a = 10 … */ (2) a: nat; /* a = 1, a = 2, or a = 10, … */ (3) a: int; /*a = -1, a = 0, or a = 1, … */ (4) a: string; /*a = “Hosei”, a = “University, … */ (5) a: WeekDays; /*a = MONDAY, a = TUESDAY, … */ (6) a: Item; /*field select: a.f, where f is a field of a. for example, a.name, a.price, a.shop, a.date */
(7) a: Item-List; /*a = [b1, b2, …, bn], … where b1, b2, …, bn are variables of composite type Item. Simple operations: application: a(i), where i is the index of sequence a. for example, a(1) = b1, a(2) = b2, a(n) = ? length: len(a), for example, len(a) = n. */
6.2 Determining how the variables are used (変数の使い方が決まる) When we declare variables with types, we must try to understand how they will be potentially used in the program. Two aspects are important: (二つのポイントが重 要 である) Global and local variables? Representation of internal or external data?
6.2.1 Global and local variables Description 1: a global variable in a module (e.g., a single Java class) is a variable that can be accessed directly by different operations (e.g., methods in a single Java class). Description 2: a local variable is a variable that can only be accessed by a single operation; and after the termination of an execution of the operation this variable will no longer exist (e.g., variables declared inside a method of a Java class).
An abstract example module A a: int; b: int; c: string; end-module; operation P1(x: int) tem: int; begin tem := a; a := x + b; b := a; … end-op; operation P2(y: string) begin if c = y then b := a * b; else b := a + b end-op;
A specific example in Java //Scope.java import java.awt.Graphics; import java.applet.Applet; public class Scope extends Applet { int x = 1; //instance variable, global variable public void paint(Graphics g) { int x = 5; //local variable, with the same name as the global variable. System.out.println(“the initial value of x in paint” + x); a(); b(); System.out.println(“the final value of x in paint” + x); //the same as the initial x. }
void a() { int y = 0; //local variable y = x; //the initial value of x is held in y, x is used as a global variable ++x; x = x * x; System.out.println(“the initial value of x in a” + y); System.out.println(“the final value of x in a” + x); } void b() { System.out.println(“the initial value of global variable x in b” + x); x *= 10; //x is used as a global variable System.out.println(“the final value of x in b” + x); }
6.2.2 Variables representing internal and external data ( 内部変数と外部変数) Usually, files are used to hold external data and all other data structures are used to hold internal data, such as array, vector, and linked list. External data are the data independent of the program system. This kind of data is expected to be kept for future use, either by the same program or by other programs. For example, files are usually used to hold such kinds of data. Internal data means the data that exist only during executions of the program system. This kind of data is usually used by the program before its termination, and will disappear after the termination of the program.
How to distinguish variables representing external data and internal data (内部変数と外部変数の区別) Definition A variable representing external data is called external variable, and a variable representing internal data is called internal variable. A way to distinguish external and internal variables is to mark external variables with a special symbol #.
Specifically speaking, suppose f1 is expected to hold external data, its declaration takes the form: #f1: Type-1 where Type-1 is usually a sequence type. Example: #item-list: Item-List where Item-List is defined as: Item-List = seq of Item