掌握本课重点词 掌握完成时 在课文中,继续巩固从句 amusement 娱乐 neither (ad) 两者都不 character (n) 性格 ; 角色 theme (n) 主题 attraction (n) 吸引 attract (v) 吸引 cruise (n) 巡航 ; 巡游 board.


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Presentation transcript:

掌握本课重点词 掌握完成时 在课文中,继续巩固从句

amusement 娱乐 neither (ad) 两者都不 character (n) 性格 ; 角色 theme (n) 主题 attraction (n) 吸引 attract (v) 吸引 cruise (n) 巡航 ; 巡游 board (n) 板 ; 甲板 broad (a) 宽广的 abroad (ad) 在国外 go/ work abroad 出国 ; 在国 外工作 route (n) 线路 ; 路线 end up 以 … 结束 In the end 在结尾 At the end of… 在 … 的结尾 eat up 吃光 island (n) 岛屿 Land on … 登陆到 … especially (ad) 特殊地 ; 特别地 exchange (v) 互换 attendant (n) 服务生 discover (v) 发现 cover (v) 覆盖

require (v) 需要 Need (v)( 情态 ) 需要 requirement (n) 需要 guide (n; v) 指导 ; 向导 tour guide 导游 film (n) 电影 Southeast (n;a) 东南 wonderful (a) 极好的 holiday (n) 假期 quarter (ad) 四分之一 3 quarters( 注 意复数 ) 四分之三 population (n) 人口 simply (ad)= only ; easily 仅仅 ; 简单地 fear (v) 某人怕 … scare (v) 某物吓某人 brave (a) 勇敢的 excellent (a) 极好的 Indian (n; a) 印度 dark (n; a) 黑 ; 深色的 daytime (n) 白天 Wake (v) 不单独用 唤醒 Wake up 唤醒

fox (n) 狐 natural (a) 自然的 nature (n) 自然 environment (n) 环境 temperature (n) 温度 all year around 一年到头 equator (n) 赤道 whenever (conj) 无论何时 type (n) 种类 season (n) 季节 awake (a) 醒着的 ( 只 用表语 )

Either Either…or… 或者 … 或者 … You can choose either an apple or an orange. 你可以选择一个苹果或一个桔子 ( 两者之一的 ) 其中之一 You can go ChengDu by plane or by train. But either way is expensive. 你可以 乘飞机或火车去成都但是任何一种方式都是 很贵的 也不 ( 只用于否定句 ) “I can not swim” “ 我不会游泳 ” “I can not either” “ 我也不会游泳 ”

2 、 Population (n) 常考何时可数 ; 何时 不可数  做人口总数是不可数  做人口的百分比是可数  Chinese population is very huge, and eighty percent population are farmer. 中国的人口数 很巨大, 并且 80% 的人口是农民.

3 、 fear ; scare 区分到底谁吓谁  You really scared me, you know I fear ghost. Why still acted ghost to scare me.  你真得吓着我了, 你明知道我怕鬼, 为何还扮 鬼来吓我.  Fear, 我怕 …  Scare, 你吓我 ( you scare me)

3a(70 page)  Have you ever been to Disneyland?

 Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney characters. Perhaps we have even seen them in movies. But have you ever been to Disneyland? In fact, there are now several different Disneyland amusement parks around the world.  Disneyland is an amusement park, but we can also call it a theme park. It has all the normal attractions that you can find at an amusement park, but it also has a theme. The theme, of course, is Disney movies and Disney characters. For example, you can find a roller coaster in most amusement parks, but in Disneyland, the theme of the roller coaster is Disney characters. This means that you can find Disney characters all over the roller coaster. You can also watch Disney movies, eat in Disney restaurants, and buy Disney gifts. And you can see Disney characters walking around Disneyland all the time!

 Have you ever heard of a Disney Cruise? These are huge boats that also have the Disney theme. You can take a ride on the boat for several days, and you can sleep and eat on board. There are also many attractions on board, just like any other Disneyland. You can shop, go to Disney parties, and eat dinner with Mickey Mouse! The boats take different routes, but they all end up in the same place. This is Disney’s own island.  It is just so much fun in Disneyland!

知识总结 1. so much fun ( 还能联想到 much 的其他用法吗 ?) 2. have probably heard of 3. theme park 4. just like 5. any other Disneyland 6. take different routes 7. end up 1. 如此多的快乐 2. 也许曾听说过 … 3. 主题公园 4. 就如同 … 5. 任何一个其他的 … 6. 采取不同的路线 7. 结束

3a(72 page)  Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life.

 When I was a young girl, all I ever wanted to do was travel, and I decided that the best way to do this was to become a flight attendant. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now. it is a really interesting job because I travel all over the world. I discovered that the most important requirement was to speak English well, so I studied English at the Hilltop Language School for five years before I became a flight attendant. I was because I could speak English that I got the job. Thank you, Hilltop Language School !

 I wanted to be a tour guide. In fact, it is all I have ever wanted to be. I wanted to travel, especially to English-speaking countries such as the United States and Australia. However, I know that I have to improve my English, so I’ve started taking lessons at the Hilltop Language School. The Hilltop Language School has really helped me learn English. I have been a student here for a year now, and I really love it. Maybe when I leave school I will think about becoming an English teacher rather than a tour guide!

重点句型 1. The most important thing is to… 最 … 的事 是 … 2. all I ever wanted to do was travel; it is all I have ever wanted to be. 我一直想做的是 … 3. I’ve been a flight attendant for two years now 我成为 … 已经 2 年了.

Section 2  Have you ever been to Singapore?

 Have you ever been to Singapore? For many Chinese tourists, this small island in Southeast Asia is a wonderful place to take a holiday. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonhua a lot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an English-speaking country, so it is also a good place to practice your English!  Have you ever tried Chinese food outside of China? Maybe you fear that you won’t be able to find anything to eat in a foreign country. In Singapore, however, you will find a lot of food from China; you won’t have any problem finding rice, noodles, or dumplings. However if you are feeling brave, Singapore is an excellent place to try new food. Whether you like Indian food, Western food, or Japanese food, you will find it all in Singapore.

 Most large cities have zoos, but have you ever been to a zoo at night? Singapore has a night zoo called the “Night Safari”. It might seem strange to go to a zoo when it is dark. But if you have ever been to a zoo during the daytime, you might understand why this zoo is so special. A lot of animals only wake up at night, so this is the best time to watch them. If you go to see lions, tigers, or foxes during the daytime, they will probably be asleep! At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more natural environment than a normal zoo.  One great thing about Singapore is that the temperature is almost the same all year round. This is because the island is so close to the equator. So you can choose to go whenever you like—spring, summer, autumn, or winter! And, of course, it is not too far from China!

知识总结 1. three quarters of the population are 2. wake up 3. a more natural environment 4. have any problem finding 5. outside of 6. Whether 7. all year round 1. 作为东道主 2. 你曾经听过 … 吗 ? 3. 找出 ; 调查 4. 和 … 一样好 5. 也 = too 6. 进入比赛 7. 男子 / 女子比赛 8. 六个月前 9. 怎么样 ?

要背的句子 1. they didn’t think they were better than the other singers