Human Resource Development CHAPTER 3 History of Human Resource Development
Chapter 3 – History of Human Resource Development Chapter Outline • Introduction • The Beginnings: Survival through Labor and Learning • 100 B.C.–300 A.D.: The Influence of the Greeks and Romans • 300–1300 A.D.: The Middle Ages • 1400–1800 A.D.: The Renaissance • Apprenticeship in Colonial America • Industrial Era in America • 20th-Century Influences in America • Evolution of the Organization Development Component of HRD • Management and Leadership Development in the United States • Emergence of the HRD Research Community • HRD History Time Line • Reflection Questions
The Beginnings: Survival through Labor and Learning
• 100 B.C.–300 A.D.: The Influence of the Greeks and Romans • 300–1300 A.D.: The Middle Ages • 1400–1800 A.D.: The Renaissance
• Apprenticeship in Colonial America • Industrial Era in America • 20th-Century Influences in America
• Evolution of the Organization Development Component of HRD • Management and Leadership Development in the United States • Emergence of the HRD Research Community
Chapter 3 Reflection Questions Identify at least three discrete times in history, report on how human beings were viewed during that time, and note the HRD implications. 2. Identify three HRD-related historical times or events of interest to you and explain what they are of interest, and what else you would like to know. 3. Why is the World War II Training within Industry project seen as so important to HRD? 4. What unique role does the Academy of Human Resource Development play in the HRD profession and what are some of its accomplishments? 5. Identify two reoccurring themes in the history of HRD. Name and describe them.