Mon – Ckn Nuggets/Roast Tky&Gravy Tue – Tacos/Burrito Wed – Tky&Cheese Sub/Tuna Sub Thu – Hot dog/pizza Fri – ckn tetrazzini/spicy ckn tenders
Mon – Cereal&toast Tue – Steak biscuit Wed – breakfast bun Thu – oatmeal &cinnamon toast Fri – pancake on a stick
–irrefragable –\ih-REF-ruh-guh-buhl\, adjective; –1.Impossible to refute; incontestable; undeniable; as, an irrefragable argument; irrefragable evidence.
It’s BEAT SOUTH week! Rivalry football game this Friday, Sept. 23, at SEHS $7 tickets – see Coach Hood Radio – TV – WGSA (Comcast ch. 243, digital 35.3)
Rebel Rock Café has Grape Welch’s drinks on sale buy one, get one half off. Two cans for.75! Stop by room 411.
Miss Diamond pageant is Nov. 19 at 7 p.m. in cafeteria. Stop by room 908 to pay fee and pick up application. Deadline is Oct. 14.
Any SkillsUSA members helping at Oktoberfest need to see Mr. Dickerson today.
YAC members need to go by Mrs. Zipperer office to give her your t-shirt size
FFA Chapter will be selling florescent Farm Life sunglasses today 9/23 at lunch $3 a pair
FFA is ordering hoodies, $25 each Deadline to order is 10/4 and will delivered the week of the fair
FBLA t-shirts are $15 each. Pay by 9/30 in room 904.
Going to FBLA fall rally? Turn in forms by 9/23. Sign up for competitive event. See Mrs. Waltz in room 904.
“Journey through Justice” forms due now! Turn in to Mrs. Waltz in room 904.
Skills USA, FGE and History Club will hold its 2 nd annual tailgate 5:30 pm at end of 600 hall
See You at the Pole is 9/28 Will be student-led and held around the flagpole at the front of the school at 7:30 am
Take the PSAT! There are a few spots left. Sign up in room 108. Cost is $14.
Science Club members who are helping with the Buddy Walk, please meet for a brief meeting on 9/26, Rm 902
Pay your PSAT fee in room 108 by Oct. 1. Cost is $14.
Science club: helping with Buddy Walk? Meet on 9/26 in room 902 right after school.
Miss Diamond pageant will be held on 11/19 at 7 pm in cafeteria Applications may be picked up in front office or Rm 908
FBLA shirts are $15 and need to be paid by 9/30
JROTC Raffle Ticket Sales Drawing will be held 9/24 $1 for 1 $5 for 6
Skills USA Tailgate Party will be held at SE’s automotive shop 5 pm 9/23
Beta Club: Stop by room 402 to buy a club t-shirt. $18. Sept. 30 Beta Club trip form due 9/30
Beta club students: pay dues to Mrs. Hill in room 216 by Sept. 27.
Dance Team Tryouts Sept :30-5:30 pm Tryouts will be held on 2 nd floor of the gym
Junior/Senior dues are $45! Pay Ms. Bland in the front office. Dues go up to $50 for juniors and $55 for seniors in Oct.
FGE will be selling Boo Grams. Cost is.50 cent
9/26 & 10/6 Fair work day after 4-H office
4-H Sr. Club 4-H office Oct. 11, 6:30-8 p.m.
Seniors: get your senior information sheet in room 604. They are due back 9/30.
FBLA is taking field trip to Atlanta on 10/27 If you are interested in going, see Mrs. Waltz or Mrs. Griffin
FCA on Friday mornings from 7:30-8:00 in the upper level of the gym We will be studying the book of Romans
Seniors: Are you planning on having a yearbook ad? Stop by 604 to sign up for appointment time.
Buy your yearbook now before the price goes up! Stop by room 604 for a form.
Seniors: See Mrs. Beard in 215 or Ms. Drayton in 201 for GradBash info. FRIDAY, May 4 First payment is $79 by 11/1. Only 140 spots available.
Tennis team will be selling McDonald’s sausage and chicken biscuits for $2 every Friday before school
FGE Dues $15 returning members $20 new members
Rebel Rock Café! Stop by room 411 for a snack and cold drink. Most items are.50 or.75.
Listen to Rebel Radio! Have your own show! Stop by room 816 for details.
Watch our TV channel!
Be our fan on Facebook! Search “Effingham County Rebels” and join the nearly 3,200 fans in the Rebel Nation! Go Rebels!
Buy pictures from this school year!
Important Phone Numbers: Herff Jones (graduation, rings):
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