Washington University Transportation Emission Commuter –Faculty/Staff –Students University Fleet Air travel –Athletic Meets –Study Abroad
Emission Calculation for Commuter Transportation Factors effecting the emission: –# of people commuting to WashU –miles driven per year –gallons of fuel required –amount of Carbon or Carbon Dioxide produced by the fuel milesgallons 2,421 grams of Carbon/Gallon as given by the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR ) 0.99 % fuel oxidized 12 gm C 44 gm CO 2 mileyear Emissions X = XXXX # people
Data Collected Student Parking Permit Data: Only Student Local Address Data Student Home Address Data Faculty/Staff Parking Permit Data: Only Faculty/Staff Local Address Zip code: Only
Issues with Data Some students provide their permanent home address zip code instead of local address zip code Each year over students do not provide zip code. Historic parking permit data not available. Historic faculty/staff local zip code not available.
Distance Calculation Zip code converted to latitude and longitude based on U.S. Gazetteer and zipinfo. U.S. Gazetteerzipinfo For WashU, coordinates of Brookings Hall (38.648N, W) considered. Distance from zip code coordinates to WashU coordinates calculated using the reference formula:reference formula –Δx = 69.1*(lat1-lat2); Δy = 53.0*(lon1-lon2), –Distance (in miles) = (Δx 2 +Δy 2 ) 1/2. Calculates straight line distance between WashU and centroid of zip code
Distance within 150 miles to WashU considered for analysis.
Fudge factors required for calculated distance –Highways and road directions –Bridges on East and North St. Louis 18% for Students 40% for Faculty/Staff
Annual Distance Traveled Assume every person makes 1 round trip (2 trips) to school per working day of the year Faculty/Staff working days per year Students working days (excluding vacations)
Fuel Economy for Carbon Emissions Calculations Gallons per mile based on EPA report: Light Duty Automotive Technology and Fuel Economy Trends: Estimations based on –stop-and-go city driving –43% city and 57% highway weighted averages – three-year moving averages –sales fractions of cars and light trucks Fuel economies based on EPA fuel economy database
As students moved closer to campus, number of parking permits issued decreased. Annual miles driven per student decreased most dramatically from This is explained in part by the shift in student residences from
Total miles traveled by students correlates with number of permits issued. Fuel economy improved until 1999 when sales fraction of SUVs increased. Gallons of gasoline consumed decreased with decreasing distance traveled. Student Carbon Emissions, and Driving Factors Confidence intervals in miles driven annually per student
Student Commuter Carbon Emissions
University Fleet Contribution The University fleet grew and contribution steadily increased despite improvements in fuel economy, yet is minimal in comparison to student commuter carbon emissions.
Air Travel Emissions General areas of air travel –Faculty –Study abroad –Athletics Methodology –Faculty air travel not considered –Study abroad data was provided for the past 6 years –Athletic air travel data provided for the past 3 years
Air travel emissions have increased by 30%
Air travel emissions are the driver in this study
Upper Bound Transportation Emission
Lower Bound Transportation Emission
Washington University Transportation Emission