PartnerLOGO EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership withCustomerLOGO eID bij KPMG Integration of e-ID middleware during the roll-out of KPMG XP/Office2003 Desktop Marc Vael DirectorKPMG Ronny Depoortere B.U. Manager ZETES P.A.S.S. (Personal Authentication and Security Services) Microsoft and e-ID Early Adopter Program 2004
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Some evolutions Increased use of technology and Internet in day-to-day work : internal and external communication integrity, authenticity, non- repudiation and control Increasing regulatory requirements (Sarbanes-Oxley, Basel II, IFRS, … ) KPMG internal international guidelines (security, privacy, continuity, … ) Search for internal efficiency improvements
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Business Needs Awareness after presentations by MD Microsoft Belux, eID B.U. Leader ZETES PASS and DG RijksRegister eID usage within KPMG Identification/Authorization Internal requests/services approvals HRM Document/Report signing signing Information Rights Management Online Voting
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Business Needs Awareness after presentations by MD Microsoft Belux, eID B.U. Leader ZETES PASS and MD RijksRegister eID usage within KPMG Identification/Authorization Internal requests/services approvals HRM Document/Report signing signing Information Rights Management Online Voting
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Technical Solution Platform WinXP and Office2003 Professional ZETES PASS-Two FEDICT eID runtime built by CSC/ZETES
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Lessons Learned What went well Senior management awareness & commitment Realistic timelines Organisational, procedural, legal and cultural mgt Sufficient leadership concerning change management, awareness communication and sponsorship Support by ZETES (main eID contractor) on integration with smart card readers, eID signing software and interoperability with other services
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Lessons Learned What can be improved eGov Website information WinXP & Office2003 eID plug & play
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Lessons Learned ROI Communication TeamworkChange Direction Agreements
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO eID in KPMG Integration of e-ID middleware during the roll-out of KPMG XP/Office2003 Desktop
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO Example of usage KPMG Partner needs to send an original calculation sheet to a customer. MS EXCEL FILE SIGNING FOR INTEGRITY SENDING TO CLIENT
EAP’s Sponsored and in Partnership with PartnerLOGOCustomerLOGO © 2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.