Main Features A person-centred approach information about needs is given once professionals work together in people’s best interests the older person's views and wishes are central builds a rounded picture of needs and circumstances - not only health and social care but also housing, benefits, transport etc depth and detail is proportionate to need older people are informed of and consent to information being collected and shared key decisions and issues are copied in writing, or other appropriate formats, to the older person
Main Features A standardised approach supported by an agreed evidence base builds on, and supports, existing good practice is useful to those responsible for its day-to-day operation enables professionals to see, trust and accept each others’ contributions to assessment produces a single assessment summary facilitates the sharing of this information between professionals and agencies generates information for planning and monitoring.
Main Features An outcome-centred approach evaluates assessment information and translates it into appropriate and effective care plans and services promotes the health, independence and quality of life of older people helps to fulfill their potential for rehabilitation Introduces 4 types of assessment Sets out areas- “Domains” - for assessment
4 Types of Assessment §Contact Assessment - one for all §Overview Assessment - one for all §Specialist Assessment §Comprehensive Assessment - CCA
Domains for Assessment §User’s perspective §Clinical background §Disease prevention §Personal care and physical well-being §Senses §Mental Health §Relationships §Safety §Immediate environment and resources
Other Links and Connections §Other Standards in the NSF for Older People l Stroke l Mental Health - dementia and depression l Falls l Intermediate care §Mental Health - Care Co-ordination / CPA §Prescribing / Continence §Free Nursing Care determinations §Continuing care
What SAP is NOT §It’s not an assessment done once, covering everything - it builds up over time and reflects changes §It’s not an assessment done by one person - everyone needs to contribute to make it work §It’s not a set of forms - it’s a process for collecting and sharing information and trusting each other’s analysis
. Cross boundary, quality and consistency issues require a Staffordshire/Stoke approach, using Project Management that takes us systematically through the process. How are we approaching it?. “Bottom Up” approach to gain ownership of all stakeholders.
Critical implementation issues §Ownership of the process by all stakeholders §Understanding and valuing person centred care §Accepting each others’ assessments §Joint working and trust §Continuing involvement by most suitable person(s) §Overcoming issues of sharing information §Information sharing and IT systems §Providing appropriate training