Linguistics for Everyone Page 95 Q-1,2,3,4 조승호 ,조예진
1. Describing Consonant sounds Using Table 3.1, describe the following sounds in terms of voicing, place of articulation, and manner of articulation. Example: /p/ is a voiceless bilabial stop. 1. /f/ is a voiceless labio-dental fricative. 2. /h/is a voiceless glottal fricative. 3. /g/is a voiced velar stop. 4. /θ/is a voiceless interdental fricative. 5. /n/is a voiced alveolar nasal. 6. /r/is a retroflex alveolar liquid. 7. /n/is an alveolar syllabic nasal. 8. /b/is a voiced bilabial stop. 9. /š/is a voiceless palatal fricative. 10. /č/is a voiceless palatal affricate. 11. /ǰ/is a voiced palatal affricate. 12. /m/is a voiced bilabial nasal.
Voiced or Voiceless? Tip [tɪp] is a voiceless alveolar stop Come up with four of words in which a sound differs only in voicing status; for example: pin and bin /pɪn/ and /bɪn/. Refer to the vowel chart in Tables 3.4 and 3.5 for help with transcribing vowels. Tip [tɪp] is a voiceless alveolar stop dip [dɪp] is a voiced alveolar stop Face [feɪs] is a voiceless labio-dental fricative vase [veɪs] is a voiced labio-dental fricative Car [kɑr] is a voiceless velar stop jar [ǰɑr] is a voiced palatal affricate Kin [kɪn] is a voiceless velar stop gin [dɪn] is a voiced velar stop
Different Places (of articulation) Looking at the consonant chart in Table 3.1, come up with three sets of three words, the words in each set differing only in the place of articulation of one of the sounds in the same position. For example, in the words pit, tit, kit, /pit/ /tit/ /kit./, the initial sounds are all voiceless stops, but /p/ is bilabial, /t/ is alveolar, and /k/ is velar. Bill dill gill Feed seed heed Pip tip kip The initial sounds are voiced stops, but /b/ is bilabial /d/ is alveolar and /g/ is velar. the initial sounds are voiceless fricatives but /f/ is labio-dental /s/ is alveolar and /h/ is glottal the initial sounds are voiceless stops, but /p/ is bilabial, /t/ is alveolar, and /k/ is velar.
Different Manners (of Articulation) Looking at the consonant chart in Table 3.1, come up with three sets of two words each that differ only in the manner of articulation of one of the sounds in the same position. For example, in the words ship and chip sip cip the initial sounds are a voiceless palatal fricative /s/ and voiceless palatal affricate /c/. The differing sounds do not have to occur at the beginning of the word. done none bite mite sheep cheep The initial sounds are a voiced alveolar stop /d/ and voiced alveolar nasal /n/ The initial sounds are a voiced bilabial stop /b/ and voiced bilabial nasal /m/ The initial sounds are a voiceless palatal fricative /š/ and voiceless palatal affricate / č /