General Information on Tadjikistan
Morbidity indicators: In 1990 it was per of people; In 1995 – 29815; In 2001 – Morbidity distribution : respiratory diseases infections endocrine system diseases digestive system diseases traumas and poisonings nervous and sensation systems diseases
Legislation documents: Law of the Republic Tadjikistan «Оn state sanitary control» ( , №987); Law of the Republic Tadjikistan «On health protection», 1997 (first time in the history defined legislative support to state and private healthcare systems. In 1997 MOH approved “Healthcare reform Program of the Republic Tadjikistan for the period until 2001» that was aimed on the goals and objectives of the above Law); Law of the Republic Tadjikistan «On Consumers’ rights protection» ( , №438); Law of the Republic Tadjikistan «On food quality and safety» ( , №54); Laws “On salt iodination” and “On sanitary epidemiology well-being” are under consideration of the Parliament.
Problems: high incidence of hypothrophy of children; more than 50% of women and children suffer from iron and iodine deficiency; more than 20% of 6 – 60 months old children suffer from moderate and severe Vitamin A deficiency; provision of conditions for food quality and safety control implementation, including establishment of modern equipped labs; establishment of monitoring system over nutrition and food dependent diseases rates in order to provide scientific evidence for National program “Healthy Nutrition Policy” that will cover all the issues of safe nutrition; development of educational programs for advocating of knowledge in the area of food and food dependent diseases prevention; Training of the specialists in the area of nutrition; establishment of communications between WHO and food specialists in Tadjikistan.
We suppose to start activities on safe food provision in the Republic Tadjikistan from: ● establishment of educational programs to advocate safe nutrition and prevention of food dependent diseases; ● creation of the conditions for communications between WHO and food specialists in the Republic Tadjikistan; ● assessment of the situation in the country involving consultants from FAO/WHO; ● education and training for food specialists; ● establishment of monitoring system for nutrition status of the population and food dependent diseases incidence in order to provide scientific evidence for National program “Healthy Nutrition Policy” that will cover all the issues of safe nutrition. Thank you for your attention