2 Turkish Statistical System Legal Framework Primary Legislation Statistical Law, No: 5429, 18 November 2005 Secondary Legislation By-law on Statistical Council (Official Gazette, No: 26159, 5 May 2006) By-law on Data Quality Control Board (Official Gazette, No: 26204, 20 June 2006) By-law on Data Security and Confidentiality (Official Gazette, No: 26204, 20 June 2006)
3 Turkish Statistical System (cont’d) The Nature of the Turkish Statistical System - Centralised with specific task distribution to other institutions - Main Actor: Turkstat, producing more than 85 % of all statistics organised under Prime Ministry, having technical and scientific autonomy - Other Actors: Ministry of Finance, Central Bank, Treasury, Ministries and institutions having administrative registers or databases serving statistical purposes - Decentralised in data compilation in surveys and censuses (by means of 26 regional offices)
4 Turkish Statistical System (cont’d) Main principles (Art. 3, 4) Reliability Consistency Impartiality Confidentiality Timeliness Transparency Cost effectiveness
5 Turkish Statistical System (cont’d) Turkstat is responsible for coordination of statistics system Coordination Tools: 1) Statistical Council (comprised of all ministries and relevant NGO’s in Statistical area, under the chair of Turkstat) 2) Official Statistics Program (5 year, adopted by Council of Minist.) 3) Monitoring reports (annually) 4) Data Quality Control Board (under Turkstat to monitor all quality aspects of statistical production in Turkish Stat. System) 5) Data Dissemination Board (under Turkstat to standardise dissemination of all statistical production in Turkey) 6) Permanent/temporary committees with other public institutions 7) Regular meetings with stakeholders 8) Protocols with other institutions