Introduction to ArmControl Programming
A General Programming Outline a)Start at a home position. b)Move the robot to a point directly above an object. c)Move the robot to the object d)Close the gripper. e)Lift the object straight up. f)Move the object to another point above the drop off position. g)Set the object down where you want it. h)Open the gripper. i)Return to a point above the object. j)Return home.
Check Setup Step 1. Plug in the robots USB Step 2. Turn on the robots power Step 3. Start ArmControl Step 4. Ensure communication is established Step 5. Check arm style Step 6. Check calibration if necessary Step 1. Plug in the robots USB Step 2. Turn on the robots power Step 3. Start ArmControl Step 4. Ensure communication is established Step 5. Check arm style Step 6. Check calibration if necessary
ArmControl Sequencer Record Pause Copy Delete Save Load Clear All Home Back Play Forward Loop Global Speed Play Line Sequencer Window Sequencer Options: Drag Time, Drag Move, Scrub Timeline Loop Options: Drag Length, Right Click for Loop Count
ArmControl Sequencer Save Step 1 - Save the current sequence before recording any steps Step 2 – Add a copied step Step 3 – Move the robot to the next position Step 4 – Record the current position Copy Record
ArmControl Sequencer Step 5 – Adjust time duration for each step Step 6 – Rewind the sequence to the beginning Step 7 – Play the sequence one step at a time to ensure position accuracy Home Forward WARNING! If the step duration is faster than the real robot can move from step to step it may skip or miss desired positions.
ArmControl Sequencer Step 8 – Make any step corrections necessary Step 9 – Play the entire sequence Step 10 – Save the current sequence Play Save
Inputs Inputs A-D can be used to control various starts and stops to a saved sequence A B C D
Inputs Input A – Digital start sequence from beginning Input B – Return from digital pause Input C – Return from digital pause Input D – Stop sequence in progress A B C D
B and C – Return from Pause Inputs B and C can be used to return motion to a sequence when a digital pause is recorded onto a step To add a digital pause to a step, select the step to be paused and select Pause. A pause line will then be added to the sequence timeline B C Pause
Inputs A & D Input A – A signal from input A will start a sequence from the beginning or stop a sequence in progress rewind to home and restart the sequence Input D – A signal from input D will stop a sequence. Can be used as an emergency stop A D
Stopped at Beginning Stopped in Middle Stopped at End At Digital Pause In Motion Starts from Beginning Returns & Starts from Beginning Stops & Restarts from Beginning Starts from Beginning Restarts from Current Time Nothing Resumes from Current Pause Nothing Starts from Beginning Restarts from Current Time Nothing Resumes from Current Pause Nothing Stops at Current Time Inputs A B C D