Capital Punishment Punishment by execution of someone officially judged to have committed a serious or capital crime Punishment by execution of someone officially judged to have committed a serious or capital crime
Capital Punishment Punishment: The deliberate and authorized causing of pain or harm to someone thought to have broken the law. Punishment: The deliberate and authorized causing of pain or harm to someone thought to have broken the law.
Capital Punishment Pain, harm or other consequence normally considered unpleasant Administered for an offense against a law or rule Punishment must be administered by someone who is judge guilty of an offense. Punishment must be imposed by someone other than the offender Punishment must be imposed by rightful authority
Capital Punishment Two ways to look at punishment. In terms of people what people deserve In terms of desirable consequences
Capital Punishment Four Justifications for Punishment. Retribution Retribution Deterrence Deterrence Incapacitation Incapacitation Rehabilitation Rehabilitation
Capital Punishment Retribution: The view that offenders deserve to be punished for their crimes and to be punished in proportion to the severity of their offense.
Capital Punishment Deterrence: Inhibiting criminal behavior by fear of punishment Inhibiting criminal behavior by fear of punishment General deterrence Focuses on general prevention of crime by making examples of specific offenders. Specific deterrence Focuses on the individual in question. The aim of these punishments is to discourage the criminal from future criminal acts by instilling an understanding of the consequences.
Capital Punishment Incapacitation Aims to prevent future crimes by taking away the individual’s ability to commit such acts. Aims to prevent future crimes by taking away the individual’s ability to commit such acts.
Capital Punishment Rehabilitation: Aims to reform the offender or rehabilitate them so they can reintegrate into society. Aims to reform the offender or rehabilitate them so they can reintegrate into society.
Capital Punishment Abolitionists: Those who wish to abolish capital punishment Abolitionists: Those who wish to abolish capital punishment
Capital Punishment Retentionists: Those who wish to retain the death penalty Retentionists: Those who wish to retain the death penalty