Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. NEW What’s NEW in IFTA? Presented by: AnnMarie Chamberlain (MA) Dawn Lietz (NV) 2010 IFTA/IRP Audit Workshop San Antonio, Texas February 2-4, 2010
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Information Technology Advisory Committee (ITAC) Tasked with analyzing the position systems available and reporting back to the Board New Members: Jeff Hood (IN), Della Golden (OH), John Willey (NE) Bob Schwab (MO)
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Dispute Resolution Committee (DRC) Charge will be coming out from the Board to look at the DRP and make recommendations for improvement of process
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Electronic Reviews One completed in 2009 (MA) 4 scheduled for 2010: North Dakota, South Dakota, Missouri, Nebraska
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Funds Netting Funds Netting Implementation Data – all data uploaded timely First payment made by Missouri Funds due 2/2 Funds paid out by IFTA, Inc. on 2/3
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Agreement Procedures Committee (APC) New exemption database implemented last week. Much easier to search for exemptions. Linked to Biodiesel database which was also launched last week. Jurisdictions will be updating as annual reports are filed.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc. Clearinghouse Advisory Committee (CAC) Became a standing committee effective Will be working to fill positions on that committee. Committee will review potential projects and also oversee quality control for the Clearinghouse.
Managed by the International Fuel Tax Association, Inc.