Middleware CAMP Day 2
Current Research Research that develops th e…
Multicampus Issues System-wide Identifier some established (CU), some working toward (UC) currently trying to map various IDs, some see as impossible (UT) System-wide directory including common definitions and common content management - most see as impossible which implies need to provide interfaces, etc - - CalState has working group to build system-wide directory infrastructure that includes multiple directories that appear unified using agreed upon common standards (LDAP, eduPerson, etc) - CalState, UC, and CU have system-wide “eduperson” and campus-specific ‘eduPerson” so key aspects centralized while not undermining autonomy (ie, CUeduPerson, BoulderCUeduPerson?) System-wide registry used at CU to help with interfaces to multiple directories CalState using referrals rather than system-wide registry
Multicampus Issues - Authentication SSO need to allow access to resources on another campus PKI - implementing at UC, attempting at UT for fiefdoms on Austin campus; plan at UC=one CP for system, multiple CPS=unique for campuses –Shib may be answer for intra-campus as well as inter- campus for systems as well as inter-system e. How to capture identity initially methods and level of assurance vary from campus to campus
Multicampus Finding the convincing drivers is critical to cooperation and forward progress (key issue for UMass system and others) – Some examples identified - access to library resources (CU,others), distance learning (U Alaska), access to administrative systems (benefits UC) – Many identified in Business Case for Middleware on I2 website could apply to systems as well as individual campus –Education is also critical need to reassure campuses not removing authority over data and data maintenance
Interrealm in the intrarealm Trust between security realms as much political as technical Keep accounts separate from people; try to normalize id use at the application regardless of the account authenticated against Identity mapping centrally Directories – use of enterprise directory easier than security, learning to delegate which permissions to departments hard, especially with AD Most campuses have started to centrally manage much of the AD world.
From the applications developer view If your web application does authentication, it's broken and you should fix it. Authentication is very well understood, and applications have no business messing with it. The data is the most critical component. If apps developers don't know how the data works, it's hard for them to know how to make good use of it.
From the applications developers… There are many drivers for alumni authentication, therefore for alumni in directories -- e.g. lifelong (many schools), selling stuff to alumni (Penn State), online alumni elections (Princeton). Re the are-these-two-people-the-same-person problem, "it comes down to identification...you cannot fundamentally identify a human being in any way" -- the best you can do is to try to make it more likely that people already in the system will get flagged when they're brought in again.
There are so many ways to do resource discovery… resources to be discovered: identity, i.e. people directories services, i.e. printers dns service h.323 or sip. callees. video archives vc
Resource discovery two flows: 1) registration to resource discovery server 2) resource discovery server to clients access controls needed on both who can list themselves and who can access this list access controls should be tailored to fit the resource, e.g. search engines needing no access control from either side, but the dean's printer being protected
Current resource discovery approaches uddi dns srv records ldap google xns.org
Research computing Research about core middleware authorization, security, resource discovery, video, N- Tier problem, etc. Research about systems to support scientific research Grids, digital libraries, peer-to-peer, others Research about how to adapt those systems to individual science needs GRYPHEN, Euro Datagrid, NEES, etc
The frontier of core middleware Authorization, authorization, authorization Building a federated trust model The N-Tier Problem – portals and middlemen Affiliated directories Identifier crosswalks Enabling PKI – directories, path processing, digital signature validity
Authorization, authorization, etc. Expressing permissions Expressing requirements Transporting permissions Obtaining and processing permissions against requirements Digital rights managment
Building a federated trust model
The N-Tier Problem: portals and middlemen
Affiliated directories
Enabling PKI – directories, path processing, digital signature validity