To Next Slide An Age of Exploration Chapter 4 Terry Sams Piedmont Elementary
To Next Slide Someone who buys and sells goods for a profit is a merchant
To Next Slide Why did the king and queen of Spain agree to pay for Columbus's voyage in 1492? They want to make a profit by finding riches and gold and spread their religion.
To Next Slide Planning and controlling the direction of a ship is called navigation
To Next Slide Who brought the first horses to the Americas? Spanish explorers
To Next Slide Money a business has left after the expenses are paid is called a profit.
To Next Slide Bartolome de las Casas spoke against_____. a poor treat of American Indians.
To Next Slide When did the first explorers come from Europe to NA? in the 1500’s
To Next Slide In the 1500’s, the Spanish first arrived in present day_____. Mexico
To Next Slide The movement of plants, animals, and people between the E and W hemisphere is know as the Columbian Exchange
To Next Slide ______________became an important food in Europe. Potatoes
To Next Slide An __________travels to new places to learn about them. explorer
To Next Slide This explorer discovered the Pacific Ocean. Ferdinand Magellan
To Next Slide What is the Spanish word for conqueror? conquistador
To Next Slide What happened to almost all of the Taino within 50 years of Columbus arrival? They died of diseases
To Next Slide The crew of this explorer were the firs to circumnavigate the world. Ferdinand Magellan
To Next Slide What conquistador conquered the Aztecs? Hernan Cortez
To Next Slide Why was he able to conquer the Aztecs so easily? Their enemies helped, a woman translated for him, and disease killed a lot of Aztec army.
To Next Slide Who claimed Florida for Spain? Juan Ponce de Leon
To Next Slide What is a hacienda? a large farm or ranch
To Next Slide Who was the first European to reach the Mississippi? Hernando de Soto
To Next Slide What was Francisco de Coronado searching for? cities of God in North America
To Next Slide A region ruled by another country is called a ____? colony
To Next Slide _____ is a system where people are owned and forced to work without pay. Slavery
To Next Slide A ____ is a religious community where priests taught Christianity to American Indians. mission
To Next Slide Other Spanish explorers came after Cortes in search of ________. gold and treasures
To Next Slide What is the oldest European city in the United States? St. Augustine
To Next Slide Why did the Spanish build presidios in New Spain? to protect Spanish claims against attacks
To Next Slide Who was used to farm the land and work in mines after so many American Indians died? enslaved Africans
To Next Slide To change a religion or belief means to convert
To Next Slide Spanish explorers were first to bring____ to the Midwest. horses
To Next Slide What did some American Indians learn on Spanish missions? to speak Spanish and farm
To Next Slide A ____ is a violent uprising against a ruler. revolt
To Next Slide That’s All! Good luck on your test!