Chapter 2.4 Independence and its Challenges
I. Growth of Nationalism After the scramble for African Independence was demanded this pushed for a new idea of Nationalism or a feeling of pride for their homeland, this then begins the push and fight for independence After the scramble for African Independence was demanded this pushed for a new idea of Nationalism or a feeling of pride for their homeland, this then begins the push and fight for independence
A. Political Parties and Nationalism Most Europeans didn’t see Africans as equals, thus African leaders knew this would be a huge fight for Independence Most Europeans didn’t see Africans as equals, thus African leaders knew this would be a huge fight for Independence The first step was to build unity in Africa nation wide The first step was to build unity in Africa nation wide They formed the political party “South African Native National Congress” They formed the political party “South African Native National Congress” They protested anything that didn’t allow freedom for Africans They protested anything that didn’t allow freedom for Africans
B. Pan-Africanism This movement was the belief that all Africans should work together for rights and freedom This movement was the belief that all Africans should work together for rights and freedom It stressed unity and cooperation with the slogan “Africa for Africans” It stressed unity and cooperation with the slogan “Africa for Africans” Lead by Leopold Senghor who was a poet and political leader who pushed Lead by Leopold Senghor who was a poet and political leader who pushed traditions of Ancient Africa to come out
II. Africa and WWII African Independence received a huge boost when WWII unfolded this pushed the continent towards additional African Independence received a huge boost when WWII unfolded this pushed the continent towards additional freedoms freedoms
A. Invasion of Northern Africa During WWII America with Britain and France formed the Allies (good guys) who fought against Hitler who was trying to take over the world During WWII America with Britain and France formed the Allies (good guys) who fought against Hitler who was trying to take over the world Hitler with Italy invaded North Africa so Africa began supporting the Allies Hitler with Italy invaded North Africa so Africa began supporting the Allies to get their country back
B. An Inspirational Victory Once the allies attained victory this made Africa happy and more excited than ever for independence and Freedom Once the allies attained victory this made Africa happy and more excited than ever for independence and Freedom
III. Different Paths to Independence Not only did war inspire independence but it also weekend their enemies Not only did war inspire independence but it also weekend their enemies Colonialism was slowing down and European countries were poor and weak after the war so they couldn’t keep all their African Colonies Colonialism was slowing down and European countries were poor and weak after the war so they couldn’t keep all their African Colonies Plus the U.S. was really why they won and we were against colonizing so Europe began giving up colonies Plus the U.S. was really why they won and we were against colonizing so Europe began giving up colonies
A. From Gold Coast to Ghana Many African countries began peaceful strikes and boycotts to trade until freedom was gained Many African countries began peaceful strikes and boycotts to trade until freedom was gained Ghana’s new president Kwame Nkrumah helped Ghana gain freedom which allowed them to want to trade Ghana’s new president Kwame Nkrumah helped Ghana gain freedom which allowed them to want to trade
B. War in Algeria The French thought of Algeria as more of a colony, and felt it was just part of their country and refused to give it up The French thought of Algeria as more of a colony, and felt it was just part of their country and refused to give it up Algeria disagreed and a bloody war broke out, 8 years later and hundreds of thousands of lives gone they finally won independence Algeria disagreed and a bloody war broke out, 8 years later and hundreds of thousands of lives gone they finally won independence
C. Challenges of Independence Freedom was new to Africans Freedom was new to Africans Leaders had very little preparation in governing free nations so it was very unstable Leaders had very little preparation in governing free nations so it was very unstable Because of this militaries often took power to hold areas together but this also could be bad why??? Because of this militaries often took power to hold areas together but this also could be bad why???
D. Building a Democracy A Government run by its citizens isn’t always the easiest to create A Government run by its citizens isn’t always the easiest to create Some countries remained very traditional while others moved forward with new ideas Some countries remained very traditional while others moved forward with new ideas While still very young as a democracy at 50 years in comparison to the U.S. over 200 years, only time will tell whether it will last or not While still very young as a democracy at 50 years in comparison to the U.S. over 200 years, only time will tell whether it will last or not