The Canadian Regional Climate Modelling and Diagnostics (CRCMD) Network
CRCMD Network (Oct ): Main research aims: 1. To develop the next-generation of the Canadian Regional Climate Model (CRCM5), for application at high-resolution (~10-15km). CRCM5 will be developed within the GEM dynamical core and parallelised code architecture. This development is absolutely necessary to allow high-resolution regional climate modelling 2. Introduce state of the art physical parameterisation packages into CRCM5. Evaluate and improve the scalability of these packages for combined used at multiple resolutions. 3. Increase the realism of surface –climate interactions (specifically directed to regional processes over North America) 4. Improve our ability to analyse the large quantity of high resolution regional climate data. With an emphasis on high-impact weather events, quantification of the uncertainty associated with regional climate change simulation & added-value due to increased resolution.
GEM scales well in parallelisation tests: 90% of linear scaling out to 300 PEs on a Cray XT3, 85% of perfect on 192 SUN opteron PEs This is important as models are applied at increasingly higher resolution e.g. A large number of grid points & short timestep costs a lot! Source : R. McTaggart-Cowan
GEM can be run as : (i) a regular resolution GCM (ii) a variable resolution GCM (iii) a standard limited-area (RCM) configuration. GEM supports non-hydrostatic dynamics, allowing (in principle) application at all scales from GCM to Convection–Resolving.
An emphasis of the CRCMD Network will be to ensure CRCM5 at high-resolution RCM becomes operational (with the Ouranos CST) within the lifetime of the Network. This will require extensive collaboration between University, Environment Canada (CCCma and RPN) and Ouranos scientists. An important component of this will be close phasing with Environment Canada with respect to release versions of GEM and periodic code harmonization to prevent drift between the individual institutes/model versions. An equally important part of CRCMD Network activities is to train graduate students and PDFs in the development, use and diagnosis of high-resolution RCMs:
Theme 1: Science issues for high-resolution climate modelling. Evaluating the scalability of parameterisations from RCM to GCM resolutions Improving the simulation of the atmospheric water-cycle at high-resolution Establishing the best modeling tools to go from GCM scales to high-resolution regional scales (fixed GCM-RCM, variable GCM, or a combination of both) Theme 2: Surface feedback processes in RCMs Improved surface flux and surface wind representation Implement and evaluate dynamic vegetation modules in GEM Implement and test interactive permafrost treatment in GEM Implement and evaluate interactive lake and Arctic Ocean models into GEM Theme 3 : New diagnostic techniques for RCMs Quantifying uncertainty in RCM climate change projections Quantifying the added-value of high-resolution RCMs Analysing the water-cycle and small-scale processes in RCMs Establishing the global transferability of RCMs Key Science/research themes in the CRCMD Network
Main institutes and participants: Colin Jones UQAMModel Parameterisations René LapriseUQAMModel dynamics, BBE, diagnostics J-P BlanchetUQAMMoist parameterisation, satellites Eric GirardUQAMCloud microphysics, Arctic climate Changhui PengUQAMTerrestrial ecosystem modelling Adam MonahanUVICDiagnostic analysis, surface scheme John ScinoccaCCCma/UVICModel paramertisations Greg FlatoCCCma/UVICOcean and sea-ice modelling Vivek AroraCCCma/UVICTerrestrial ecosystem modelling Daniel CayaOuranos/UQAM‘Operational’ RCM, Diagnostics Ramon de EliaOuranos/UQAMDiagnostic analysis Laxmi SushamaOuranos/UQAMSurface processes Gilbert BrunetRPN/UQAMDiagnostic analysis Jean CoteRPN/UQAMModel dynamics, Variable Resolution Bernard DugasRPN/UQAMParameterisation, GEM structure Ayrton ZadraRPN/UQAMParameterisation, GEM strutcure Paul VaillancourtRPN/UQAMParameterisation, GEM structure Caroline ChartrandUQAMNetwork coordinator