9/17/10 BR- What is the best government? Why? Today: Social Contract – A Way Out of the State of Nature -Folders, Forms -MIKVA -Gradebook. If you want your login info gimmee a lil’ piece of paper -“A’ Essay!
Binder Check What am I looking for? -Syllabus -Mr. Mac’s Class Guidelines -Student Bill of Rights -9/8: Exit Slip (about respect) -9/9: Exit Slip (about Robert and Amelia) -9/10: BR and Exit Slip (3 Things You Want to Learn..) -9/14 : BR, Government notes, Government forms paper -9/15 : BR, State of Nature Notes, -9/16: (today) BR, Exit Slip
Exit Slip (videos) 1. In the 1 st video what doe the author say are the only real forms of government and why? 2. In the second video, why is it called a “cycle of freedom?”
Find a partner.. 1. Get out the forms of government paper from the other day 2.Listen/Discuss the different forms of social contracts (types of governments)
Activity: Guess the Government As a pair, create a country. This country must have a social contract or risk being in a state of nature (bad). The country should have a clearly identifiable (1)economic system, (2)political system, and (3)system of authority. Write a descriptive paragraph (which you will share with us) that describes your country’s social contract. We’ll then try to guess what you have..
Example In the Blackhawk Republic people live a wonderful life. The government makes sure that everyone has a job. We don’t get paid but that’s ok, because all of our needs are taken care of. Our Glorious Emperor is a shining example for us all. He works tirelessly to make sure everyone is happy. I am glad we chose him as the new emperor after the old one died. Frankly some of the decisions the old emperor made weren’t very good but there wasn’t much we could do after we voted him in. I am sure that we have many years of peace and prosperity ahead of us. May the Glorious Blackhawk Republic live for a 1,000 years!
As you work I will come around and check your binders. Make sure to write your country’s description on your binder page for today (under the BR)