The day is exactly the same length as the night and the sun is shining equally on both the Northern and Southern Hemisphere!
Tomorrow we are meeting at the football field! DO NOT COME HERE! GO THERE! You will be late if you come here first. Also, tell your absent friends that we are meeting there! There will be no bellwork tomorrow!
Bell Work Why is it absolutely necessary to use scale models in astronomy?
Scale Scale Description 4 Through independent work beyond what was taught in class, you could: investigate the location of seasonal constellations in the local sky. predict location of constellations at future times. determine the celestial equator, latitude and position of the Pole Star for a given position on the Earth. determine the distances of stars in a given constellation to each other and to Earth. 3 You will be able to: describe and apply the coordinate system used to locate objects in the sky. distinguish the various methods of measuring astronomical distances and apply each in appropriate situations. 2 You will be able to: determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other astronomy specific words and phrases as they are used in context to relevant topics label diagrams with degree measurements describe how or why different units of measurement are needed for distances in space 1 You will be able to label diagrams with degree measurements list the different units of measurement needed to measure distances in space
Group Work Work in your groups to finish the lab Please DON’T WRITE ON YOUR LAB SHEET (I’m reusing them, and I don’t want you to give answers to the next class) Please DO WRITE ON YOUR ANSWER SHEET so that everybody can turn in their own! You have homework at the end!
Here is the last question that was cut off...
Turn in your answer sheet when you are done and then answer the following question in your science journal as homework. (take a picture if you need to) Our fastest ship ever sent to space was the New Horizons Probe that just passed Pluto in August. It took that probe just over 9 years to travel to Pluto. Look up how far away Pluto in kilometers (use the AU measurements on page 136), and then use that information to determine how long it would take to travel to the 5 stars in question two and the 3 objects in question five. Is it reasonable to believe that interstellar (between stars) or intergalactic (between galaxies) travel will ever be feasible? Why or Why not? Reminder: There are 10,000,000,000,000 km in 1 ly. If you don’t finish this, it is HOMEWORK. Woot! But your numeric answers next to the charts on your sheet, but put your “essay” answers under the question in your science journal.
Tomorrow we are meeting at the football field! DO NOT COME HERE! GO THERE! You will be late if you come here first. Also, tell your absent friends that we are meeting there! There will be no bellwork tomorrow!