Adult worms are long and slender with a smooth cuticle and bluntly rounded ends. Their head is slightly swollen and bears two circles of well-defined papillae. Males are about 4cm long and 100µm wide. Females are 6 to 10cm long and 300µm wide. Microfilaria of W. bancrofti
Asymptomatic phase Inflammatory (acute) phase › Fever, chills, skin infections, painful lymph nodes, tender skin Obstructive (chronic) phase › Lymph varices, lymph scrotum, hydrocele, chyluria, elephantiasis
Diagnosis: › Blood smears, PCR, ultrasonography, X-rays Treatment: › Cleansing the skin, surgery, drugs (DEC, ivermecting, albendazole)
Insect repellents, mosquito nets, education Sri Lanka has eradicated this disease as of April, 2011
Morphology: › Males are mm long and 70-80µm wide. › Females are mm long and µm wide. Life cycle Pathology Diagnosis/Treatment Control › Mosquito eradication and herbicides