Public Private Partnership provides a community ARV facility. Dr. Eric Hefer Mr. Chris Valstar
Outline of Presentation Dr Eric Hefer Scope of the need Scope of the solution Key principles of project Mr Chris Valstar Coordinating stakeholders Integrating diverse processes
The Need Healthcare needs exceed capacity in fast growing local community. Kumba Iron Ore – Largest employer in the area realizes need to support health infrastructure. Kgalagadi /Gamagara District of persons. Kathu Town does not have a public hospital and so no ARV clinic. Kuruman - nearest ARV facility - 50 km
The Imperatives Community involvement – Support and inclusion of Home based care givers and Traditional Healers. Open access to services by entire community. Flexible to changing community demands. Urgent delivery – opening within 4 months.
Project Summary Sponsor provides funding as CSI project. Municipality provides site and services. Local and district health authorities provide support and guidance. Provincial health services provide ARV’s and laboratory services. Private accreditation company facilitate project plan and accreditation - Vitality Private company contracted to provide staffing, management, clinical guidance and reporting - Calibre
List of Services Community VCT facility and health education. Accredited ARV site closer to community. Integration and complementing existing medical services – Primary care and TB Education and training facility for care givers and community.
Deadlines Opening date set by Premier Urgent stakeholder engagement Identification of key enablers Regular meetings
Project Plan Dedicated team of qualified professionals. Specific agreed deadlines. Coordination of many service providers and stakeholders. Identification and inclusion of key parties.
Challenges Facility location. Support services. Contracting service providers. Innovation of new model service delivery.
Community Involvement Public invitation to launch forum. Public notices of meetings. Community involvement in opening and accreditation.
Committed Staff
Benefits to Community Local facility providing access to wellness services integrated with primary and occupational healthcare services. Training, skills transfer and ongoing guidance to local treating doctors, nurses and health care providers.
Stakeholders Project Sponsor Community Local Authority Staff representative organizations NGO’s Provincial Health and Legal authorities
Facility Steering Committee Representatives of stakeholders. Ongoing responsibility to guide and steer facility management. Setting of priority issues. Conduit of reporting and feedback.
Key Success Factors Provincial Premier support. Committed sponsor. Local and district leaders support. Health authority commitment from all levels. Competent coordinator of stakeholders.
Contractual Challenges Various parties required to commit. Complex responsibilities and deliverables. Various departments in Public and Private institutions. No organizational history as reference.
Why do PPP Projects fail? Unreasonable expectations by stakeholders. They are not easy to complete and bring to maturity. They are not short or medium term projects. They are complex and fraught with obstacles. There are few reference projects to refer to.
Lessons Learnt Regular and constant communication between all parties. Anticipate the unexpected. Respond rapidly to these new challenges. Allow for delayed regulatory approval because it is out of the ordinary. Keep some elements of the project plan flexible due to it being uncharted territory.
Thanks to Political Vision and Leadership at the highest level. Committed Project Sponsor to allocate resources. Local, Provincial and National stakeholder contribution and support. Community leaders support and guidance – Mayor and municipal office. Realistic scope and deadlines.
Yes We Can Successful PPP projects are possible and can achieve results in areas of need. CSI funded projects can attract and integrate Public and Private services. CSI can address the pressing needs of the immediate community. The broader community can ultimately benefit from such initiatives.