Boiling Points What led to the Civil Rights Movement?
Fundamental Reasons WWII –Veterans were discriminated against upon their return to the US. –An increase in black activism during WWII A Philip Randolph’s organized protest of workplace discrimination Blacks in the Urban North –Making gains socially, politically, and economically as well as having voting rights unlike those in the south. Strength of the NAACP –The organization was attracting support, funding, and new, young members as well as the support of many lawyers (white & black)
Segregation in the Post–World War II Period How did segregation affect American life in the postwar period?
Section 44.2 Copy the spoke diagram below into your notebook. In each of the six ovals around the center oval, list one area of life discussed in Section 44.2 in which blacks experienced segregation. Near each of those six ovals, list as many examples as you can that show how segregation affected Americans during this era. Aspects of life affected by segregation Schools No public busing
The Doll Test (1951) (*do not need to write down) During the 1940s, psychologists designed a test to study the psychological effects of segregation on black children. The Clarks concluded that "prejudice, discrimination, and segregation" caused black children to develop a sense of inferiority and self- hatred.