Response to Intervention: Core Components and Resources Related to Implementation Marie Fisher March 3, 2012
Agenda Overview Core Components Case Study Implementation Resources
Definition “RTI integrates assessment and intervention within a school-wide, multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems” “RTI may be used as part of the determination process for identifying students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities” National Center on Response to Intervention (NCRTI)
What is it? Preventative, multi-level instructional framework supporting positive outcomes for all students Targets – Academics & Social Skills/Behavior Special Education Eligibility – US DOE regulations
RTI Core Components National Center on Response to Intervention
Screening Universal Screening – screens all students Over-identifies students at-risk Motivation Screeners are brief, not diagnostic: typically occurs 3 times a year Determines that an intervention may be needed, but not what type
Progress Monitoring Monitoring all students at all levels Determine rate of improvement growth sensitivity 6-9 data points before making any decisions or 4 data points below aimline Regular assessment schedule (biweekly, weekly, monthly)
National Association of State Directors of Special Education, 2005 Multi-level Prevention System
Primary/Tier 1 80% of population Core curriculum/interventions including differentiated instruction Occurs in the general education setting
Secondary/Tier 2 15% of population Supplemental – targeted to student needs, small group Diagnostic assessments maybe necessary Students should not be pulled from high quality core instruction Occurs within general education settings Multi-level Prevention System
Tertiary/Tier 3 5% of population (non-responders) Supplemental instruction Intensive - duration, frequency, interventionist, group size, intervention Small group or 1-on-1 instruction Instruction based on diagnostic assessments Multi-level Prevention System
Data-Based Decision Making Data-analysis occurs at all levels of implementation and prevention grade level, school Based on established decision rules protocol/procedures/timelines
Data-Based Decision Making What? Instruction How good, what is needed Flexible movement within the multi-level system Decision rules – prior to implementation Disability identification ( When is a student eligible
Data-Based Decision Making Problem-Solving Process Identify the Problem (assess) Why the problem is occurring Develop instructional plan Evaluate plan/modify
Case Study National Research Center on Learning Disabilities School, Student, Research Examples/Case Studies (August 2006) Tualatin Elementary School (Tualatin, OR) What are some successful features of this example? Are aspects that appear problematic? Could you envision this at your school? Explain?
Implementation Initial Steps Identify factors Needs, focus area, resources, student population, block schedules Cultural, linguistic, SES factors Gather a team: Administrator(s), Grade level reps, Specialists, School psychologist, Special education teacher(s) Secure Building & District Support Staff should understand what RTI is and why RTI is important for their population.
Implementation Planning for Implementation Building infrastructure Reallocating funds, acquiring resources/ material, training staff, identifying and addressing barriers Knowledge of a range of evidence-based interventions ( Range of assessments for screening, diagnosing & monitoring
Implementation Sustainability of RTI involves: Professional development (extensive & ongoing) Administrative support (district & school level) Teacher buy-in and flexibility with instructional roles All school personnel involved Structure meeting time for coordination Source: Field Studies of RtI Programs (Hughes & Dexter)
Resources General RTI Information Washington State RTI OSPI RTI website RTI Readiness Survey i_wright.pdf i_wright.pdf
Resources Interventions and Assessments NCRTI Charts screening tools chart progress monitoring tools chart &user guides instructional tools chart Progress Monitoring Intervention Central ChartDog
Resources Building Intervention Team Meeting Quick Guide ns/sbit.php ns/sbit.php RTI Wire Online directory of RTI resources hp hp
Thank You! Questions/Comments Marie Fisher