Trade Act Participant Report (TAPR) 2005 Revisions for Implementing Common Measures
2 Important Reminders In April 2005, ETA received emergency clearance from OMB on revisions to the TAA reporting system Emergency approval expires on 09/30/2005 On July XX, ETA published a Federal Register Notice seeking a 3-year approval from OMB 60-day public comment period ends on September 13, 2005 Submit all comments to the following: Dr. Esther R. Johnson, Administrator, Performance and Technology Office Employment and Training Administration US Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave. NW Washington D.C
3 Establish a core set of data elements, definitions, and specifications to describe the characteristics, activities, and outcomes of individuals served by the TAA program; Enhance program management, budget development activities, and evaluation of the TAA program by facilitating the collection and reporting of consistent and comparable data on TAA participants; and Better inform the Administration, Congress and other stakeholders about TAA program performance result. General Instructions Purpose of TAPR
4 Individual records on all TAA participants who exit the program Contains information on participant characteristics, services/benefits, and outcomes achieved Submitted electronically from states on a quarterly basis No later than 45 calendar days after the end of each quarter of reporting Comma-delimited file format General Instructions TAPR Submission Information Data used to prepare quarterly and annual performance reports
5 One TAPR file on each participant who exits the TAA program in the state Unique identifiers must identify the same person in every period of participation and in every local/statewide program, including unique identifiers on the WIASRD Entry into other partner programs (e.g., WIA, Labor Exchange) can extend period of participation in the TAA program Establishes a common exit date for all programs Measures performance at the same time General Instructions TAPR Submission Information
6 States will submit TAPR files 5 ½ calendar quarters after the “Quarter of exit” “Quarter of reporting” indicates the quarter during which the state prepares the TAPR files for the exiters
7 Separated into three (3) major sections containing 58 total data elements I.Identification and Participant Characteristics II.Activity and Service Record III.Outcomes General Instructions TAPR Record Layout Overview Elemen t Name Sequenc e Number Data Type/ Field Size Coding Values Definitions/Reporting Instructions
8 State FIPS Code (Element #1) Two-letter alpha code (e.g., AL) No longer open text field for state name Equal Opportunity Information (Elements #3 – 11) Self-identified by the individual and voluntary Ethnicity must be collected separately from and before race Data collection forms must allow individuals to self-identify more than one category of race Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics
9 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005)1 = Yes 2 = Yes, Substantial Barrier to 2 = No Employment 3 = No1 = Yes 2 = No Record 0 or leave “blank” if not self-identified by customer Individual with a Disability (Element #5) Racial Categories (Elements #7 – 11) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics
10 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005)1 = Yes, < = 180 days 2 = Yes, > 180 days 2 = Yes, Eligible Veteran 3 = No3 = Other Eligible Person 4 = No 1 = Employed NOT CURRENTLY 2 = Employed, Received Notice COLLECTEDof Layoff 3 = No Eligible Veteran Status (Element #12) Employment Status at Participation (Element #13) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics
11 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005) 1 = Claimant1 = Claimant, WPRS Referral 2 = Exhaustee 2 = Claimant, Not WPRS Referral 3 = None3 = Exhaustee 4 = None Added the following new coding values: 87 = Completes 12 th grade and attains High School Diploma 88 = Completes 12 th grade and attains GED or equivalent 89 = Receives certificate of attendance/completion (youth with disabilities) 90 = Attains other post-secondary degree or certificate UC Eligible Status (Element #15) Highest School Grade Completed (Element #17) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section I - Characteristics
12 Occupational Skill Coding (Elements #29 and #46) Eliminated “Occupational Code System” fields All occupational coding for training and, where available, employment will follow the O*NET Classification System Conversion tables are available at the National Crosswalk Service Center at Received TRA Payments (Elements #34 – 36) Expanded categories to include those receiving TRA while participating in remedial education Data format reflects total weeks paid in each category States may need to design data interfaces with UI payment systems to extract total weeks paid Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section II - Services
13 Current TAPRTAPR Revision (2005) 1 = Yes, Received Waiver1 = Recall 2 = No 2 = Marketable Skills 3 = Retirement 4 = Health 5 = Enrollment Unavailable 6 = Training Not Available Required to be reported by the state when the TAA participant is co- enrolled in either WIA, NEGs, or another Federal job training program. Training Waiver (Element #37) Other Federal Program Co-Enrollment (Elements #40 and #41) NEW Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section II - Services
14 Other Reasons for Exit (Element #43) Used to exclude certain TAA participants from calculation of the common measures Type of Employment Match (Elements #45, #48, #50) Designed to capture the data source used by the state to determine employment status in the 1 st, 2 nd, and 3 rd quarters after exit If more than one data source applies, the state should record the source where the individual’s earnings are greatest Pre-Program Earnings Data (Elements # ) Collected and reported based on the quarter of participation; rather than quarter of separation Additional field to report wages earned in 1 st quarter prior to participation Highlights of Important Changes TAPR Section III - Outcomes
15 Questions about TAA performance issues? Want updates on TAA performance and reporting requirements? Please contact us at: or Division of Trade Adjustment Assistance Erin Fitzgerald Susan Worden Questions or Comments?