The Agri-Profocus learning trajectory on Gender in Value Chains Anna Laven (KIT), Anouka van Eerdewijk (CIDIN), Angelica Senders (ICCO), Catherine van Wees (HIVOS) and Roel Snelder (Agri-ProFocus) 10 March 2009
Brief overview of trajectory Goal and purpose How can women be (economically) empowered in/through value chains? – What contributes to women’s empowerment? – Different chains? – What are ‘windows of choice’? – Alternative interventions?
Selected cases
Guidelines Description of the chain Description of the target group and its position in the chain Description of the intervention Achievements (before and after the intervention) Lessons learned
Insights – types of chains Selection bias - Only 8 cases - Mainly domestic chains Lesson: Future analysis of cases would require a more balanced sample.
Insights from case analysis 1. The sexual division of labour within the chain and within the household (farming-system), plus their interaction. 2. The sexual division of labour, access and management within the chain. 3. The gender dynamics of decision-making within the household.
Insights - conceptual 1. Gender analysis is more than describing what women do and get in a chain. 2. Differentiate between achievements and empowerment. 3. The household cannot be considered a black box 4. The chain empowerment framework (only) partly does the job
Beyond chain empowerment… CHAIN PARTNER CHAIN CO-OWNER ACTIVITY INTEGRATOR Chain governance Chain activities CHAIN ACTOR
Insight into gender dynamics Four questions can be asked: 1. What are the gender dynamics in the household? 2. What are the key (gender) issues for women in the community? 3. What has changed for women and men in chain activities and chain management (vertical and horizontal dimensions)? 4. How do women and men value these changes?
An emerging framework…
Tensions chain empowerment AND/OR gender equality / empowerment market orientation vs. right-based approach.
Some provisional ‘windows of choice’ Closing contracts and access to income Women’s participation and representation in governance structure of chains. Supporting women in women leadership and overcoming barriers to their representation Working with local women’s organizations Involve women, men and the community in defining what is empowerment to them Technology for women
Reflections on our learning process 1. Different perspectives – concrete outputs 2. Learning by doing 3. Sharing roles 4. Network of ambassadors 5. Growing community of practice
Thank you for your attention!
Learning curve… - The value chain approach is not ‘human’ enough - We need to combine the value chain approach with the gender approach… - More questions than answers… - Emerging conceptual framework…
Future Further exchange and joint work within Agri- ProFocus gender is a cross cutting issue within the Agri- ProFocus 4 year strategy. It is expected that it will be on the agenda within the country programmes of the partnership. Open for other professionals interested, who will bring in new questions and perspectives. Ensure greater interaction: