Rosie the Riveter
We Can Do It! In the 1940s this iconic figure was used during World War II to encourage women to take the jobs of the men at war in order to keep the industries running. This for a time gave women more power than before, however the men at war expected to return home to their old jobs and housewives when the war was over.
But Rosie was more than just an empowerment tool But Rosie was more than just an empowerment tool. She was a symbol of leadership to women. A symbol with a strong sense of power and identity.
“We only want you to be leaders when we need you…” Women at the time were encouraged to work… for their husbands. Even when they went off to war men still had power.
In spite of this, Rosie can be a symbol of power and leadership In spite of this, Rosie can be a symbol of power and leadership. She can motivate nations. The power in this world is not just for the men; the leadership in this world should be for everyone.
Every race…
Every nation…
Every Religion…
From the young…
To the old…
Every gender…
Every shape…
In every language…
The world needs equality just as much as the world needs leadership. And we know it.