25th Nov 2005CERN AB Controls Post Mortem data conversion G.Kruk
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Agenda Conversion overview Why do we want to convert the data? Conversion process BinX library Final data format Current state Issues & further steps
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Why do we want to convert the data? Minimize processing on the client side --> send the data as it is Data sent by different clients may have different structure To browse and analyze PM events we want to access (read) data coming from different systems in the same way (using the same API) Let’s convert the different data into one, standardized format
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Conversion process PM Server PMD file (CMW data object) Binary file with data sent by client Final data format Conversion program extracts converts Notifies through “LastDump” property
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Conversion program It consists of two components: PMManager Is notified when new PM data arrives (monitors “LastDump” property) Prepares directories structures Calls appropriate PMConverter to convert the data PMConverter (interface) Performs the actual conversion from binary file to the final format Uses BinX library At the moment two implementations: FGCConverter, DefaultConverter (now used only for tests)
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – BinX library Library (C++) facilitating reading/writing and conversion of binary files Uses XML descriptor to decode the binary Takes care of the endian-ness Using it we can potentially avoid writing a separate PMConverter for each system/class Only the conversion program depends on it
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Final data format Information that need to be stored For each signal: name type (int, float, string, …) values (array) units/precision? description? Additional meta-information?
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Final data format After considering several options we decided to use SDDS as the final format SDDS Fulfils requirements Is simple API in Java, C/C++, Python, … Supports both: ASCII and binary formats We have positive experiences with it
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Current state Converter program installed on the PM server machine (cs-ccr-pm1) Supports conversion of FGC PM data - tested this week Ready to perform tests with other systems
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Current state (directories structure) SYSTEMS FGC _11_24__14_44_45_ RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8.bin binx.xml RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8-50Hz.sdds RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8-100Hz.sdds RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8-1kHz.sdds RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8-events.sdds PROCESSED PMD FILES FGC _11_24__14_44_45_ RPMBB.UA83.RQSX3.L8.pmd
CERN – AB DepartmentG. Kruk – Issues & further steps Performance ~ ms to convert data from one PC There are places for improvements e.g. use binary SDDS rather than ASCII No support for mapping from single bits into flag names e.g “FLAG_A FLAG_C” For FGCs at the moment it is hardcoded In the future move the mapping to BinX descriptor or to some other descriptor Directory structure modification (refinement) Before extending functionality of the converter program – tests should be performed with other systems (not only with FGCs) and with analysis team: To validate current functionality, formats used, directory structure To understand better required refinements