DevelopersCommitters Users I’m getting the following exception…. Anybody have any clue why??? +1, I like that idea… Source & Binary Code Repository Bug Database Download/Upload Latest Code Get Latest Stable or Beta Version How do I install this thing? Report/Read Bugs & Feature Requests Develop Patches Or Make Changes Vote Commit & Build
Get Latest Stable or Beta Version Both are available on the website Users, Developers, & Committers –Although used by all community members the focus of the Beta and Stable versions is the Users –Beta versions “Assigned after internal/committer tests ” –Stable versions Assigned “ when [committers] get feedback from users saying [the software] works ”
Commit & Build Committing code –Committers are the only members who can commit source code to the repository Releasing builds –Committers develop release plans upon which they vote in order to determine what will be contained in a build release
Voting Binding votes may only be made by –The author of the code or documentation in question –Committers Voting – The following “action items” are voted on –Long Term Plans –Short Term Plans –Release Plan – 3 possibilities Alpha, Beta, or Stable –Release Testing –Showstoppers – “issues that require a fix be in place before the next public release” –Product Changes +1 "Yes," "Agree," or "the action should be performed." 0 "Abstain," "no opinion". "No."
Report/Read Bugs & Feature Requests Users, Developers, & Committers –Bugs are reported to Bugzilla –Feature requests are reported as bugs in Bugzilla, except their severity is set to “enhancement” Users –Mostly report bugs and make feature requests Developers & Committers –Report bugs –Also, volunteer to fix bugs or satisfy feature requests
Develop Patches or Make Changes Developers & Committers –Create patches and modify code using software development tools as well as the following: CVS, WinCVS, ViewCVSWinCVS Cygwin Ezmlm DAY Communique JSP Debugger –This process is unique to each developer except that Developers frequently communicate with each other All developers must follow a well known coding convention such as Code Conventions for the Java Programming LanguageCode Conventions for the Java Programming Language
Download/Upload Latest Code Developers & Committers –Download source code in order to Develop a patch Fix a bug Make some other type of change in the code –Upload New code and documentation patches Modified code Committers also –Update licenses and their dates when reviewing code –Commit builds –Update documentation e.g. such as the STATUS file
Electronic Communication All community members primarily communicate electronically –Tools used: Mailing Lists –User list –Developer list IRC – chat Teleconferencing software – (e.g. Used by PMC for monthly meetings) –Resources include: Online articles, FAQs, & documentation
Bug Database Tool: –Bugzilla Bugzilla is used to manage –Bug reports Detailed bug reporting guidelines must be followedguidelines –Feature requests Severity of feature requests is set to “enhancement”
Source & Binary Code Repository Tools: –CVS –WinCVS –ViewCVS This CVS repository manages the –Source code –Binary code –Documentation
Committers Have all of the privileges of Developers, plus the following –Write access to the source repository website –Voting rights Some committers may also be Project Management Committee (PMC) Members –PMC Is the official managing body of Jakarta project Is responsible for setting overall Jakarta project direction Meets monthly online
Users Use Tomcat Report Bugs Request new features Limitations: –Users do not contribute code or documentation
Developers Write –Code –Documentation Contribute positively to Tomcat Are Recognized for their contributions Limitations: –No voting rights –No write access to source repository