Visualizing SWRL Rules Using Grailog Frame Formulas Team 8 : Bo Yan Juyan Zhang Ismail Akbari Instructor: Harold Boley
Introduction SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) is an implemented Semantic Web rule language, combining the sublanguages Web Ontology Language, Description logic (OWL DL) and Rule Markup Language (Unary/Binary Datalog). Graph inscribed logic (Grailog) invokes imagery for logic proposed cognitively motivated systematic graph standard for visual-logic knowledge. Visualizing SWRL’s Slotted Formulas in Grailog
Unary/Binary Datalog formulas VS. Slotted formulas Three RuleML Syntaxes Syntax Visualization RuleML/Grailog Symbolic PresentationSerialization RuleML/POSLRuleML/XML
Predicates: Unary Relations (Classes) General:Graph (class appliedLogic to instance node) inst 1 class(inst 1 ) class HasInstance Example:Graph Logic Warren Buffett Billionaire Billionaire(Warren Buffett)
Predicates: Binary Relations inst 1 General:Graph (labeled arc) Logic Example:Graph Logic binrel(inst 1, inst 2 ) inst 2 binrel Warren Buffett General Electric Trust (Warren Buffett, General Electric)
Object-Centered Logic: Grouping Binary Relations Around Instance General:Graph (Object-Centered) (inst 0 -centered) Logic Example:Graph (Object-Centered) (Socrates-centered) Logic Philosopher(Socrates) Substance(Socrates, P1) Teaching(Socrates, T1) P1 T1 Substance inst 0 inst 1 inst n binrel 1 binrel 1 (inst 0, inst 1 ) binrel n (inst 0, inst n ) class(inst 0 ) Teaching class binrel n... Philosopher Socrates
Logic of Frames ( ‘Records’ ): Associating Slots with OID-Distinguished Instance 7 General:Graph (PSOA-like Frame) (bulleted arcs) Logic Example:Graph (PSOA-like Frame) Logic Socrates#Philosopher( Substance->P1 ; Teaching->T1) P1 T1 Substance inst 0 inst n slot 1 slot n... slot 1 ->inst 1 ; slot n ->inst n ) inst 0 #class(... Teaching Socrates inst 0 class, slot 1 = inst 1,... slot n = inst n inst 1 Philosopher class
Tools 1.OWLVIZ
Be designed to be used with the Protege OWL plugin. allowing comparison of the asserted class hierarchy and the inferred class hierarchy has the facility to save to various concrete graphics formats including png, jpeg and svg.
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Step1: Convert into slotted fomulas syntax(U/B): syntax(slotted) Person(p)^ -> p#person( hassibling(p,c) hassibing->c) Array:
swlrb: swrlb:greaterthan -> age1 ( (age1,ag2) (greaterthan->age2) array:
Step2. Convert into dot template color&shape for simple nodes special shape for classes add dots to the arrows which connects nodes belongs to different class
Step 3 Generate graphs using dot file as the input of graphviz
An Example
Person(?x) ^ Man(?y) ^ hasSibling(?x,?y) ^ hasAge(?x,?agel) ^ hasAge(?y,?age2) ^ swrlb:greaterThan(?age2,?age1) -> hasOlderBrother(?x,?y)
body parts: Person xnullclass Man ynullclass hasSiblingxyproperty hasAgexagelproperty hasAgeyage2property swrlb:greaterThanage2age1SWRL_Building head parts: hasOlderBrotherxyproperty
Conclusion SWRL can be representd on Unary/Binary Datalog fomulars or Slotted formulars, and both of them have their own characters on graphs and logics. Visulizing the slotted fomulars lets people easily to understand the logic of rules Welcome to our projectrepository at the website of Githup to see and comment our project:
References [1] [2] The Grailog Systematics for Visual-Logic Knowledge Representation with Generalized Graphs. Boley Harold, [3] [4] [5] [6] Saeed Hassanpour, Martin J. O'Connor, Amar K. Das, “Axiomé: a Tool for the Elicitation and Management of SWRL Rules”, OWL: Experiences and Directions (OWLED), Chantilly, VA, [7]