Rural ITS Clearinghouse Prepared for ITS America’s 2007 Annual Meeting & Exposition Palm Springs, CA June 4-6
Purpose A service to researchers, and to the transportation community in generalA service to researchers, and to the transportation community in general Information will be uniquely distinguished byInformation will be uniquely distinguished by –a) its focus and customization to rural issues, –b) the extent of the material it chronicles, and –c) the timeliness with which materials are posted. Will serve as a "one-stop shop"Will serve as a "one-stop shop" Provide a tool to accelerate knowledge delivery by getting information into the hands of researchers and practitioners, at a local, state and national levelProvide a tool to accelerate knowledge delivery by getting information into the hands of researchers and practitioners, at a local, state and national level Will contain information from regional and national conference proceedings (including presentations), regional UTC Centers, and other such sources of knowledge and experienceWill contain information from regional and national conference proceedings (including presentations), regional UTC Centers, and other such sources of knowledge and experience Will complement and NOT duplicate traditional information sources such as TRISWill complement and NOT duplicate traditional information sources such as TRIS
Steering Committee Members Bill Legg, Washington DOTBill Legg, Washington DOT George Smith, California DOTGeorge Smith, California DOT Karen Sweeny, Frontier CenterKaren Sweeny, Frontier Center John Hanson, Integrated Transportation SystemsJohn Hanson, Integrated Transportation Systems Jeff Swan, PinnacleOneJeff Swan, PinnacleOne Steve Clinger, FHWASteve Clinger, FHWA Mary Gray, FHWAMary Gray, FHWA Ed Ryen, North Dakota DOTEd Ryen, North Dakota DOT Sue Sillick, Montana DOTSue Sillick, Montana DOT Brandi Hamilton, Montana DOTBrandi Hamilton, Montana DOT Heather Young, ITSAHeather Young, ITSA
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Progress to Date Steering Committee has held two teleconferencesSteering Committee has held two teleconferences –First teleconference identified needs of members, possible document types –Second teleconference featured a demonstration by software company showing capabilities Software company currently designed beta version based on committee response to demoSoftware company currently designed beta version based on committee response to demo
Challenges Identified by Steering Committee Many relevant document currently reside on internal servers, difficult to find and post on clearinghouseMany relevant document currently reside on internal servers, difficult to find and post on clearinghouse Copyright restraintsCopyright restraints